Luciana de Oliveira Pinto de Souza

Luciana de Oliveira Pinto de Souza

Brazilian Psychiatrist who loves pets and writing
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
52 years old
Porto, Porto, Portugal
20 years
Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Luciana de Oliveira Pinto de Souza Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque, n. 80/ 5th floor- Boavista - Porto,- JOB TO WHICH YOU APPLY Medical Action Assistant/Mental Health Assistant PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE- Military Psychiatrist - Retired Lieutenant Colonel Secretariat of Social Defense/Military Police of Pernambuco, Recife (Brazil) Psychiatrist of the Medical Officers, performing medical care activities (outpatient care, home care and hospital care for patients hospitalized and in-emergency care) and forensic (presidency of the psychiatric board of the Pernambuco Military Police Hospital); conducting investigations and health surveys; administrative activities of hospital supervision; and participation in civic-social actions to support the population of the State of Pernambuco. document(s) mentioned - - Retired Coroner Secretariat of Social Defense of the State of Pernambuco/Scientific Police - Instituto de Medicina Legal Antônio Persivo Cunha (IMLAPC/Recife), Recife (Brazil) Conduction of various medical examinations (necroscopic, sexological, traumatological, toxicological, psychiatric, etc.) in cases of violence or suspected violence; Management of crises of impact on public safety (strikes of health and public safety professionals, mass accidents, ethical interdictions of health/forensic services, etc.); Supervision and coordination of necroscopic expertise in cases of mass disasters (e.g. the crash of AirFrance Flight 447 in 2009); Preparation of medical and legal opinions for clarification to judicial, law enforcement or administrative authorities; Conduction of classes and training in legal medicine, focusing on forensic psychiatry- Judicial Medical Officer Federal Justice and Labor Justice/Secretariat of Resocialization (Pernambuco), Recife (Brazil) Conduction of "ad hoc" psychiatric expertise examinations in social security and labor actions; Conduction of psychiatric evaluations in adolescents in conflict with the Law, in order to support the application of socio-educational measures of deprivation of liberty. EDUCATION AND BACKGROUND- Physician Level 5 QRQ Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife (Brazil) General: anatomy, physiology, histology, pharmacology, pathology, medical semiology, general practice, general surgery, therapeutics, medical ethics, medical psychology, etc.; Professional: internship regime with supervised medical activities in various medical specialties, held at Hospital das Clínicas de Pernambuco (University Hospital). document(s) mentioned- Specialization in Legal Medicine Level 6 QRQ Universidade de Pernambuco, Recife (Brazil) Medical Diceology and Deontology, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Tanatology, Traumatology, Sexology, Forensic Toxicology and Psychiatry, Criminology, etc. document(s) mentioned - Master Degree in ForensicsLevel 7 QRQ Specialist Degree in Legal Medicine and Medical Expertise granted by the Brazilian Society of Legal Medicine and Medical Expertise (SBMLPM) Pernambuco Dental Sciences School/UPE, Recife (Brazil) document(s) mentioned PERSONAL SKILLS Mother Language Portuguese Foreign Languages UNDERSTAND SPEAK WRITE Listening Reading Oral interaction Oral production Spanish A2 B2 A1 A1 English B1 B2 B1 B1 Italian A1 A2 A1 A1 Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Advanced user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - Self-assessment grid Communication Skills Fluency in linguistic, oral and written expression, developed by professional practice as a psychiatrist and medical examiner, expert in the preparation of records, reports and scientific opinions; Resourcefulness in the interpretation and production of texts; Practice in the preparation of classes for graduate course, focusing on forensic psychiatry. Organization Skills Commendation in supervision, coordination and leadership activities, especially in situations of crisis and psychosocial stress through the exercise of the role of President of the Psychiatric Board of the Hospital of the Military Police of Pernambuco, the role of Coordinator of the Autopsy Room during the Task Force set up at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Recife to cope with the accident of AirFrance Flight 447 in 2009; Specialist in government management in a graduate level (School of Business Sciences of Pernambuco - FCAP/UPE). document(s) mentioned Work-related Skills Ability and empathy in dealing with the elderly, with patients with mental disorders and special needs; Specialist in clinical and investigative police interviews, practice in psychotherapeutic processes, namely psychoanalytic orientation; Holistic humanist training, both for the experience of more than 20 years in health care, especially in situations of extreme social vulnerability, as well as by affinity and familiarity with the human sciences (sociology, philosophy, literature, linguistics and law); compliance with extracurricular subjects at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in the undergraduate courses of philosophy and arts, the latter attending regularly until the fourth semester (2 years, at Faculdade Frassinetti do Recife - FAFIRE). document(s) mentioned Digital Skills SELF-ASSESSMENT Information processing Communication Content creation Security Troubleshooting Independent user Basic user Basic user Basic user Basic user Digital skills - Self-assessment grid Annexes
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