Luca Monte

Luca Monte

I am an bilungual educated German/Italian with a Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Management
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Hourly ($/hour)
31 years old
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
4 years

I did a dual study where I gained working experience in an online travel agency.

Before my dual study I did a 10 month internship at this travel agency.

The dual study had a concept of rotation between practical and theoretical phases. Basically I started studying 3 month took my exams and then worked 3 month in the travel agency. After these 3 month I went back to university and kept on doing this for the 3 years of study. My Bachelor Thesis was rated high with a 1,9 as a mark.

My tasks over the 4 years were:

  • Payment engine software implementation
  • API Integration
  • UX Analysis
  • Google Analytics management
  • Server error Analysis
  • Klick funnel management
  • Content Management
  • Online Marketing Promotions
  • SEO/SEA Management
  • Deeplink Management
  • Customer Service (telephone,chat,mail,direct)

I see myself as a person with a high knowledge of Online Marketing while also the beeing able to understand the technological aspects of a website. My main interest goes towards IT.

I can get my brain into any topic, I want to know what I don't know yet and I am not happy with false knowledge. I inform myself constantly about new technologies, trend and studies. I speak and write four languages such as German, Italian, English and French.

Talk to me on Skype and I'll show you who I am

Looking forward getting to know you!

Kind regards,

Luca Monte

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