Lea Grace Orquillas

Lea Grace Orquillas

Bookkeeping, Accounting, Content Writing, Social Media Management and Customer Service
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
44 years old
Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
16 years
LEA GRACE ORQUILLAS PROFESSIONAL FREELANCER PERSONAL PROFILE I am a creative and highly motivated individual looking to develop my skills and grow professionally. I have a wide range of skills which include accounting, customer support, graphic design, content writing and social media management. CONTACT La Mirande Trails Gran Europa Cagayan de Oro City SKILLS Exceptional writing and communication skills Experienced in Bookkeeping and Accounting Experienced in Customer Service and Technical Support (Phone, Chat, E-mail) Able to follow instructions and require minimal to no supervision Able to work under pressure and multi-task WORK EXPERIENCE Professional Freelancer OCT 2014 - PRESENT Transitioned from Part-time to Full time Freelance worker Content Writing and Social Media Management Website Development and Graphic Design Data Entry and Lead Generation -- /leagracejd/ EDUCATION Concentrix MAR 2007 - AUG 2018 Customer Service and Technical Support - Chat, Phone and E-mail Limketkai Manufacturing Corporation SEP 2003 - JAN 2007 MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology BS Accountancy Graduated May 2000 Accounting Staff GEMCOOP SEP 2000 - NOV 2001 Bookkeeper
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