Hi there, thanks for taking the time to go through my profile!
Here's the thing about me - I have been working as a Digital Marketer for over 5 years now (3+ years in an agency and 1+ years in a SaaS company). Instead of writing a long paragraph telling you what I'm good at, I let my results speak with the case studies below:
1. Crossed $1 Million revenue in first 3 months - https://leads.sg/tiny-assets-case-study/
2, $530,000 sales in 6 months at over 80% ROI - https://leads.sg/mums-singapore-case-study/
3. 300+ leads in 30 days at around $5 per lead - https://leads.sg/one-wellness-case-study/
4. 2200+ leads in 45 days at less than $0.28 per lead - https://leads.sg/songhes-case-study/
If you can't find your niche here, drop me an email at kelvinmun96 @ gmail. com and we can talk more there