Keana Harlow

Keana Harlow

Operations Manager, Administrator, Coordinator
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
35 years old
Los Angeles, California, United States
7 years
K E A NA H A R L O W- PR OF ILE • Ability to make client/customer feel at ease. • Self-motivated, with ability to work with minimal supervision, or within team framework; makes well thought out decisions. • Excellent communicator, able to explain complicated, methodical concepts with ease; highly competent verbal, written communication skills. • Processes vast quantities of information with accuracy. • Skilled In: Microsoft Office, Google Office, PC, Mac, Tracking & Managing social media & online presence, Video Conferencing (Zoom/Skype/etc.) and general office duties. EXP ERIE NCE O P E RATIO N S MA N AGE R, BOE GLOB A L, NO RT H H O LLY WO O D - • Manages daily schedule and flow of production studio. • Hires and create schedules for potential interns and employees. • Head of communication - written and verbally. • Handles communication from major labels to producers, staff, vendors, partnerships, etc • Organize and distributes confidential information. • Keeps track of purchase orders and session reports. • Organized bi-weekly check in with staff for progress updates • Plan and execute monthly events for small & large crowds in the entertainment industry. • Work within small/large team and individually. • Updated company website to stay up to trend • General office duties - fax, scan, print, distribute, receive/distribute mail O PE RATIO N S/ PR OJE CT MAN AGE R, ONLINE A P PA R E L, LO S A NGELE S —- • Tracks product inventory and prepares spreadsheets to show progress within business. • Communicates with customers via email and social media outlets. • Manages various social media accounts. • Creates spreadsheets for marketing and sales to be executed every 60 days • Establishes relationships with growing companies in the business to expand company productivity • Create and distributes email campaigns • Contacts vendors and suppliers for more products. Packages and mail items worldwide via USPS SU PERV ISOR , A EG, D OW NTOW N LA- • Early arrival for preparation on the event taken place • Meet with team for the day to go over responsibilities and logistics • Oversee ushers/ticket takers, periodic check-ins • Greeting guest, check tickets, and direct guest to their seats. • Handled payments for tickets on busy nights. • Managed VIP, Premier, and suites for NBA games and concerts. SE CR E TARY , NE W A NT I OC H COGI C , LO S A NGE LE S —- • Conducted research and distributed information using telephone and mail services. • Duties also included, but not limited to, word processing, data entry, organizing itineraries and meetings, and other miscellaneous delegated administrative tasks. ED UCATIO N INGLE WO OD H IGH — DIP LO MA, 2 0 07 RE FE RENC ES Britteney Scales- Nnamdi Okafor- Marchella Major-
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