Kate Scott

Kate Scott

Squarespace Designer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
32 years old
Richmond, Virginia, United States
1 year

I'm a strategic web designer and I specialize in crafting beautiful custom websites for women business owners and creative entrepreneurs. I believe a website should attract your ideal client, convert more visitors into paying customers, and make your life easier in the process.

I also believe a good web designer also acts as a sort of business consultant when necessary. I proactively help clients find problem-solve and find solutions to the challenges of running a successful business. I'm well-versed in creating automations using apps like Acuity Scheduling, ConvertKit, Zapier, and more to save time and simplify your workflow.

On the design side of things, I'm proficient in HTML and CSS, particularly as it applies to Squarespace templates. I also have a passion for manipulating Squarespace's mobile-responsive framework with CSS to create unique mobile sites.

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