Karim Mostafa

Karim Mostafa

An expert in Marketing
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
38 years old
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
6 years
Karim Mostafa Marketing and communications Manager PROFILE: Experienced in developing and executing marketing strategies with the unique ability to understand the ongoing market scenario and customers trends using exceptional marketing communication skills, including: ATL and BTL Strategic planning and leadership. WORK EXPERIENCE Service and Sales Officer HSBC MAY 2010- JAN 2014 ADDRESS: 105B-AL DIYAR 9 0 T H S T -F I F T H S E T T L E M E N T CAIRO-EGYPT Provided a one-stop shop for all customer needs related to Retail Banking and Wealth Management Maximized product sales to agreed upon targets by probing customer needs and actively cross selling bank products Identified and followed up on sales opportunities based on potential customer lists Handled general customer queries and redirected them as needed PHONE:- Relationship Manager E-MAIL- LINKEDIN HTTPS://WWW.LINKEDIN.COM /IN/KARIM-EL-BANHAWY-/ CIB APR 2015- JUL 2016 handled general customer queries and redirected them as needed Maintained a general knowledge of the bank’s common products and services Assisted customers in the completion of documentation for Personal Banking Services, scrutinizing the documents prior to obtaining approval Maximized product sales to agreed upon targets by probing customer needs and actively cross selling bank products Marketing and Communications Specialist DATE OF BIRTH USFAAF (DUBAI) - AUG 2016- SEP 2017 MARITAL STATUS SINGLE Promote our products and services during events C o o r d i n a t e t h e d e s i g n o f p r o m o t i o n a l m a t e r i a l a n dd i s t r i b u t e i n o n l i n e and offline channels Advertise our company and products/services on various media Plan interviews and press conferences Produce marketing copy for our website Craft and send regular newsletters SKILLS Communication Marketing Campaigns Advertising Copywriting Marketing and Communications Manager FALCON GROUP OCT 2017- FEB 2019 Deliver external communications to a high standard Design, build and maintain our social media presence Brainstorm new and creative growth strategies Review & revamp current publicity materials Develop effective links with the local media & producepress releases. Develop content our website and keep content live andup to date. Collaborate with agencies and other vendor partners Digital Marketing Marketing Manager Consumer Insight ERA MAR 2019- PRESENT Team management Leadership Strategic planning LANGUAGES English : Fluent Arabic: Native Ensuring proper leadership of the marketing team to achieve best performance Generate sales leads through social media platforms Working closely with hired agencies to keep our social media pages enhanced Selecting the best content for our marketing campaigns online and offline Planning and managing company events Contribute to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the company to identify the available marketing opportunities Prepare reports on marketing activities EDUCATIONAL INFO European University ,B.Sc of Management Information Systems (Athens campus) APRIL 2009 www.euruni.edu 3.5 GPA Holder of Egyptian equivalency from supreme council of universities
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