Karen Joy A. Bernas

Karen Joy A. Bernas

Virtual Assistant with Bookkeeping and Customer Service Experience
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
10 years
K A R E N B E R N A S VIRTUAL ASSISTANT / CUSTOMER SERVICE / BOOKKEEPER P R O FILE C A R EER SUMMA R Y I am an organized and goal-oriented virtual assistant with 15 years of customer service, administrative, and light bookkeeping experience. Virtual Assistant S K I L LS ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS GREAT COMMUNICATION SKILLS CUSTOMER SERVICE DATA ENTRY PROFICIENT IN GOOGLE SUITE WEB RESEARCH LINKEDIN LEAD GENERATION BASIC ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING H O W TO REACH M E Email:-LinkedIn: @karenbernas Skype: live:.cid.a-f6891c C5 Entertainment | March 2021-present Web Research LinkedIn Lead Generation Data Entry Light Bookkeeping / Accounting Service Manager Eastwest Banking Corp | Nov 2012 - Feb2021 In charge of the day to day operations of the store Manages people in the Operations Team Works closely with the Sales Team to achieve targets In charge of branch reports including daily bookkeeping and or accounting tasks Branch Operations Officer Robinsons Banking Corp | Jun 2010 - Nov 2012 In charge of the day to day operations of the store Manages people in the Operations Team Works closely with the Sales Team to achieve targets In charge of branch reports including daily bookkeeping and or accounting tasks E D U CATIONAL T R A INING UNIV E R S ITY OF SAN CARLOS BACH E L O R OF SCIEN CE IN MANAGEMENT ACCO U N T ING 2001 - 2 0 0
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