Junlee Marc Pepito

Junlee Marc Pepito

Front-End Web Development
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
39 years old
Ormoc City, Leyte, Philippines
6 years

Hello, I am a freelance Front-End Web Developer from the Philippines.

My skillset includes HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

I am also familiar with platforms such as WordPress, and front-end frameworks, such as Bootstrap.

To a lesser extent, I have dabbled in social media marketing, email marketing, and design projects.

I place a great deal of emphasis on my communication skills, attention to detail, and availability.

These traits allow me to fulfill project requirements, whilst ensuring client satisfaction.

I am currently seeking new projects on a full-time, part-time, or hourly basis.

If suitable, I look forward to working with you!

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