Jovan Miladinovic

Jovan Miladinovic

Operational risk management, compliance management, 3rd party risk management, IT governance
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
15 years

Mr. Miladinovic has more than 25 years of experience in information technology, as a technology leader, consultant and executive.

Mr. Miladinovic holds a Major in Economics (BA, University of Belgrade) and postgraduate studies in Computer Sciences and Business Administration (in Belgrade and Toronto). Over 25 years of IT experience in roles ranging from technical leadership to management, combined with a strong understanding of business process provides Mr. Miladinovic with a vision to provide a real value add to the clients.

Mr. Miladinovic was one of the first dozen Certified Lead ISO 17799 Auditors in North America. He is also Certified Information Security Auditor (CISA – ISACA).

In the role of an executive or consultant, Mr. Miladinovic has developed both strategic and tactical plans, as well as the business cases and budgets, in support of the enterprise’s revenue and expense targets.

Mr. Miladinovic’s leadership style is hands-on and collaborative, sustaining a healthy balance of people and technical skills, development & IT/IS operational management.

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