Josphat Epur Ekato

Josphat Epur Ekato

Human resource,Public relation,Marketing,customers services
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
Lodwar, Turkana, Kenya
17 years

I'm a Management, Business Development, and Human Design Consultant. I specialize in:

  • Strategy Building & Optimization
  • Business Development (business plans, product development, LOBs, financial modeling, OKRs, and KPIs)
  • Industry Risk Analysis, Entry Strategy, Consumer Insights
  • Identity-Based Brand Design
  • Business Process Design (modeling, analysis, improvement, and automation)
  • Business Process Outsourcing
  • Project Consultation and Management
  • Team and Leadership Development
  • Relational Intelligence
  • Career and Personal Coaching using Human Design Analysis

Whether in team dynamics, personal and personnel development, client and customer relationships, or business process automation -- my focus is on forging connections that work; seeing through patterns within and without (individuals, organizations, markets), and using these insights to implement strategies geared towards achieving business and personal goals, while keeping in alignment with my client's vision and values.

I currently own and manage a business consulting and outsourcing agency that's been operating since 2009, and is comprised of a diverse team of individuals actively working in several freelance and gig work marketplaces.

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