Joseph Dormido

Joseph Dormido

Listing Coordinator / Transaction Coordinator
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
30 years old
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
6 years

I worked as a listing coordinator where I handle everything from signed listing agreement until the signing of a contract. I also acted as the executive assistant of our Team Leader and handle administrative tasks of our team such as leads management, events preparation, preparation of marketing materials, database management, and others.

I also worked as a transaction coordinator where I handle different escrows for different agents/brokerage. I assist agents and their clients from offer until closing where I prepare timelines with key dates and deadlines, process purchase agreement/listing docs, prepare disclosures packages, order home warranty, accomplish verification of property, process closing docs, and upload and ensure completion of all docs in transaction management software. In the whole duration of the escrow, I maintain coordination between different parties involved in the transaction and ensure that everything is up to date and every document is complete.

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