Jordan Zhen

Jordan Zhen

I am a web developer. I am proficient in React, Javascript, Html5, Css3.
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Hourly ($/hour)
28 years old
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
1 year
Jordan Zhen Canada, BC, Victoria |- |-Education University Of Victoria, Bachelors In Computer Science 09/2015 - 09/2019 Skill Summary React Javascript SASS CSS3 HTML5 Python Java PostgresQL Git Project Portfolio GitHub Projects ● Live Chatting App​: Registered accounts can first become friends to then open the option of exchanging private messages in real time. I used MongoDB to store all users and chat history, React/Redux to manage state of the page and target to message. Heroku Hosted: h ​ ttps://​ (Demo In Portfolio) ● Currency Converter​: Converts one currency to another by fetching from a 3rd party Currency Converter Api. Written in Javascript with async await, Ajax, DOM. (Demo In Portfolio) ● Portfolio​: Two state mobile responsive site to display my current and upcoming work. Written in Sass, Javascript and HTML5. (Demo In Portfolio) ● Monthly Workout App​: Tracks exercises by Name, Reps and Sets utilizing the local storage. Date is changeable by interactions with the calendar, formatted as storage key. Written in Javascript, Materializer, FontAwesome, HTML5. (Demo In Portfolio) ● Weather App​: Given a location, fetches Weather conditions to be displayed from the wunderground api. Written with async await, ES6 Materializer, Javascript, HTML5. (Demo In Portfolio) ● Additional School Projects ​ Employment ● ● ● ● Delivering for Fantuan and web development 9/2/2019 - present. Thrifty Food seafood department located in Downtown Victoria 05/15/2017-09/0/2018 Customer Service for Don Mee restaurant in Downtown Victoria 06/0/2014-05/0/2015. Remote contract work for elo-boost 02/15/2012-2/0/2015.
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