Johra Khatun

Johra Khatun

Special in web designing and Data entry.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
24 years old
Keonjhar, Odisha, India
0 years
JOHRA KHATUN Magurgadia , Keonjhar-758001, Odisha-- CAREER OBJECTIVE Being a technology enthusiast I am keen to explore and go on learning about the various fields of my domain, aiming to be able to contribute hugely to my team for project building as well as bringing out productivity and help myself to upgrade different skills and focus largely on my professional growth. EDUCATION Government Women's College, Keonjhar Pursuing BSc in Computer Science 72% (till 2nd semester) 2022 Government Women's College, Keonjhar Pursued 12th Science 53% 2019 Green Field School, Palaspanga, Keonjhar Pursued 10th CBSE 70% 2017 TECHNICAL SKILLS Programming language :- c, c++ and python Web technology :- HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP Data analysis using python. INTERESTS Crafting, dress designing PERSONAL STRENGTHS • Smart worker • Optimistic PERSONAL PROFILE Date of Birth : 05/10/2000 Marital Status : Single Nationality : India Known Languages : English and Hindi Hobby : Gardening
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