John William Morales

John William Morales

Accomplished Content Creator for Diverse Industries
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
36 years old
Plaridel, Bulacan, Philippines
7 years

With hundreds of content produced for different sites and platforms, I will captivate your audience and plant your ideas into your readers' minds. We will build a community around your brand and build an organic audience through engaging posts that tap into their emotions.

I have experience in the following forms:

  • Writing product descriptions, research articles, comparative reviews, and general knowledge content
  • Managing social media profiles on different platforms 
  • Creating platform-specific content
  • Coordinating and leading a team of creators and moderators
  • Moderating a 185,000-strong Facebook group

I work on a flexible schedule and only require a limited lead time to create and deliver high-quality work. I also guarantee that my output is original - I thoroughly detest plagiarism.

Connect with me and let's talk about how we can translate your vision into action. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

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