Jeremiah Josias Muguju

Jeremiah Josias Muguju

Swahili teaching,Swahili interpretation,Swahili translation and Swahili transcription
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
47 years old
Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
8 years
CVs Jeremiah Josias Muguju Dar es Salaam,Tanzania. Phone: - E-mail:-,-Website: EDUCATION:- University of Dares Salaam, Tanzania Course: BSc with education (Chemistry&Biology) EXPERIENCE: 6/2004-12/2004 Agakhan Primary school, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Science teacher 2/2005-8/2006 Shree Hindumandal Primary School, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Science teacher 2/2007-12/2007 St.Mary’s Junior Seminary, Kibaha, Coastal region, Tanzania Chemistry and Biology teacher 1/2008-12/2011 Shaaban Robert Secondary School, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Chemistry and Biology teacher 1/2012- To date : Freelance Swahili instructor and translator 1 REFERENCES: 1. Peter Smittenaar Mobile phone: - E-mail:-,-Website:, DECLARATION: All information contained on these CVs is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Jeremiah Muguju 2
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