Jay Pepito

Jay Pepito

Customer Service, Tech Support, Sales, Virtual Assistant, Social Media Management and Marketing
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
38 years old
Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines
9 years
Pepito, Jay C. #15 Sapphire St., Hidden Homes, Cabancalan Mandaue City, Cebu Philippines 6014 Cell: - E-mail:-PERSONAL DATA Age : 32 years old Status : Married Sex : Male Height : 5’7” Religion : Christian Citizenship : Filipino Health : Excellent EDUCATION: College- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue) Secondary- CBD College (Inayawan, Pardo Cebu City) Elementary- San Lorenzo Ruiz School (Lapu-lapu City 6015) INTERESTS & ACTIVITIES My hobbies include dancing, singing, swimming, watching movies and T.V., playing the guitar, hanging around with friends, surfing the net, playing outdoor sports, and many more. FULL - TIME WORK EXPERIENCES:*** INBOUND/OUTBOUND SALES​ (voIP, xlite and Vicidial Softwares) Worked as a Sales Agent for Blue Cow Philippines. Handling CEGID Point of Sale System (November 2008 - June 2010). OUTBOUND TELEMARKETER/APPOINTMENT SETTING​ (Skype and xlite) Worked as a Telemarketer for Premier Mentoring Asia. Offers Mentoring for people interested in starting up a specific field of business (ex. Internet, real estate, etc.) (June 2010 - April 2012). BANKING AND FINANCE REPRESENTATIVE​ (Aegis people support) Banking Specialist for JP Morgan & Chase, taking care of valued Chase account holders insuring and making sure their bank accounts and finances are not compromised. (May 2012 – January 2014). SALES EXECUTIVE/APPOINTMENT SETTING​ (Zylun Philippines Inc.) Marketing Representative for Lendio, an American Company providing a service that helps out businesses around the American soil. Looks for appropriate profile matches of business that are looking for financial capital or business loans. (February 2014 – July 2015). MARKETING & PROPERTY OFFICER​ (RNS Property Management Services) RNS Property Management Services is a Cebu based Property Management Company serving International/Foreign Property Owners, Filipino Owners Abroad and local Property Owners. We service the island of Cebu, Cebu City and all surrounding communities. We make Property Management “Made Easy” with our unique “Hassle-Free” ownership model for Real Estate Investors. RNS offers a solid investment strategy and model requiring little to no hands on with the Day-to-Day Activities and Management of your investment property. (May 2017 – Jan 2018) ************************************************************************************************************* HOME-BASED/FREELANCE WORK EXPERIENCES:*** GENERAL VIRTUAL ASSISTANT​ ( Skype, MS Office, SE, Adobe Acrobat ) I have done general VA tasks such as encoding, email organizing, doing both planning and setting important business related tasks. I also managed social media sites like facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram, linkedin and google+. -) DATA ENTRY​ ​( MS Excel, SalesForceIQ, Demand Force) Used several search engines like hoovers, yellow pages, manta, and angie’s list to look for specific businesses and their type of industry. Gathering basic business info such as owner’s name, phone number, email, and business addresses which we then sort out using MS Excel. We then gave these businesses a call to verify if the info posted online would still be accurate. (2014-Present) BASIC SEO​ ​(Google Webmaster , Excel) Add URLs into the webmaster tools. (Project Based SALES EXECUTIVE​ (Freelance) I was calling for a company that developed a software that gathers reviews and referrals for Health Practices. My duty was to set an appointment for demonstration. -) SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT and MARKETING​ (Freelance) Posts and advertise business articles in several social media sites (facebook, StumbleUpon, Buzz it, twitter, Google+, Tumblr). (Part Time) WEB DEVELOPER AND MANAGEMENT​ (Freelance) Creates, designs & manages websites for a client who owned multiple businesses in the USA. (Part Time) LEAD GENERATION / OUTBOUND​ ​(Freelance) Callout residential and business leads to offer technical support in the field of providing anti- virus and malware software. It is purely cold calling, verifying and processing payments as well. (Part Time) ADDITIONAL TOOLS:​ W ​ ix, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+), Picmonkey, Google Tools, Yesware, Buffer App, 3CX App, Mail Merge, Microsoft Tools, Dropbox, Zoiper, Salesforce/SalesforceIQ, LeadIQ, Prophet, Hunter, Eventbrite,and Canva.
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