Israel Rosel

Israel Rosel

Amazon and Houzz Expert
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
43 years old
San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan, Philippines
11 years
ISRAEL BARBARA ROSEL #- /- Cold Calling | Telemarketing | Data Mining | Email Management | Online Research | Sales Representative | Customer Support | Phone Support | Product Research | Affiliate Marketing | Supplier Research | Virtual Assistant | Excel | Data Entry | Writing | Customer Service | Technical Support | Sales and Marketing | Client Management | Customer Management | Email Support | Membership Management | Teaching | Mentoring | ESL Teaching | Transcribing | Lead Generation | Data Processing | Quality Assurance | Data Encoding | Order Processing | B2B | B2C | Windows Expert | Appointment Setting | Complaint Management | Sale Analysis | Online Marketing | Admin Support | English | PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE FIRST LOOK INC, NEW YORK, USA – AMAZON and HOUZZ Project Manager / June 2018 – Current Handling different Department – Customer Service, Lead Generation Team, Supplier Management Team and the Amazon Listing Team / Report directly to the clients / Payroll management / Individual performance reports / Talent Acquisition – onboarding and Training of new hires / Training and assisting team leaders / Client Management / Provide strategic planning / Analytic Research – data mining / Retention – Product upgrade / Email Correspondence / Cold Calling / Order Process /Lead Generation / Product Analysis / Vendor Management / Capital TTP Ltd UK, London Based (Freelance) - AMAZON Supplier Relation Manager / MAR 2018 - Current Role: Lead Generation / Supplier Management / Order Processing / outbound support / Customer Service / Product Analysis / Sales Analysis / Sale and Marketing / Data mining / Cold Calling / Chat Support / Email support and Correspondence /Amazon fulfillment assistance / CRM encoding and management / Product Shipping / Supplier Verification and Screening / TELEPERFORMANCE, MANILA PHILIPPINES Complaints Manager Level 1 Ombudsman (Australian Account)/ FEB 2017 – FEB 2018 Role: Account Management / Email Correspondence / Level 3 Technical Support / Customer Service / Service Recovery / Complaints Handling Process / Managing Ombudsman Cases / Customer Retention / Client Management / Inbound Support / B2C and B2B / Account: TELSTRA – Australia’s biggest Telco Company System: SIIAM / CRM / SIEBEL / AFNI SOLUTION, MANILA PHILIPPINES Customer Sales Representative (US account)/ APR 2015 – DEC 2016 Role: Billing / Sales – Upselling Products / Account Management / Inbound Support / Technical Support – B2C / Payment Processing / Report Analysis / Client Management / Customer Service / Technical Support / Data Entry / Account: VERIZON - US base Telco company TELETECH, MANILA PHILIPPINES Customer Service Representative (sale force) (US account)/ NOV 2013 – JAN 2015 Role: Billing / Sales – Upselling – New Accounts / Account Management / Inbound Support – B2C / Customer Service / Order Management / Customer Retention / Client Management / Report Analysis / Technical Support / Payment Processing / Account: COMCAST – US base Telco company SUTHERLAND GLOBAL, TAGUIG CITY, PHILIPPINES Intuit Website Consultant - Technical Support (US account)/ APR 2012 – OCT 2012 Role: Technical support / Customer Service / Customer retention / Account management / inbound Telemarketing / Upselling / Website Building / Java Script / HTTML / Interface Website Building / Account: INTUIT HOMESTEAD TECHNOLOGIES - Homestead is an acquired company of Intuit, which is known with their Pre-format Templates for Websites using their very own Site Builder application. It’s a Do-it-Yourself Website building, which you can fully customize with your own designs and images. BRADY PHILIPPINES CORP, MANDALUYONG CITY, PHILIPPINES Compliance Executive (US account)/ JAN2012 – APR 2012 Role: Outbound / Sales – New Accounts and Upgrades/ Customer Service / Account Management – B2B / Upselling / Client Management / Account: PERSONNEL CONCEPT- Company that provides State and Federal Compliance Poster for the companies in 51 states of USA IZONE TECHNOLOGIES, ORTIGAS CITY, PHILIPPINES Level 1 tech support / Customer Retention Specialist (US account)/ JAN 2011 - OCT 2011 Role: Account management / Sale / Customer Retention / Technical support / Inbound telemarketing / Membership management Account: HELPGURUS – company that provides online technical supports for computers, tabs and smartphone, specialize in software issues, troubleshooting for window operating systems, Linux, Mac OSX and UBUNTU, throughout the countries of USA, Canada and Australia. TRUE FITNESS PTE LTD, PARWAY PARADE/ VIVO CITY / GREAT WORLD CITY, SINGAPORE Senior Membership Consultant / MAR 2010 – AUG 2010 Role: Membership Management / Customer Retention/ Sales & Marketing / Training / Mentoring / Telemarketing / Customer service / lead generation / Data mining / Data entry / Training / Cold – Calling / Order Management / Report Analysis / J V FITNESS PTE LTD (CALIFORNIA FITNESS) NOVENA / ORCHARD, SINGAPORE Senior Fitness Consultant / JAN 2008 – OCT 2009 & JAN 2013 – SEPT 2013 Role: Account Management / Outbound Telemarketing / Lead Generation / Training / Customer Service / Sales Marketing / data mining / Cold -Calling / Client Management / Data- entry / Coaching / Sale Training / Mentoring / Sale and Marketing / Report analysis / PNI KMPG, ORTIGAS CITY, PHILIPPINES Outbound Sales Representative / Team Leader (US account)/ April 2006 – May 2007 Role: Account management / Sales & marketing / Customer service /Training / Team lead / Training / telemarketing / Lead Generation / Data Mining / Customer Management / Order Processing / Paypal Payment Assistance / Credit Card Verification / Ebay set-up Assistance Account: GRANTS USA – company that offers professional assistance for grants application in US focus on how to write their grant proposal to the government (credit card pulling account) GRANT SEARCH ASSISTANCE/ GRANT WRITER PRO – Company that provides information about how to apply Federal Grants in US and assistance online, who will be as their online coach helps them to educate in grants money. (Credit card pulling account) AUCTION TUTOR – EBAY affiliated company who provides training material on how to start and to be successful in EBAY business. They also provide access to the online warehouse in consignment basis for them to start their own business immediately by getting cheaper source of their products. (Credit card pulling account) CONTACTPOINT, ORTIGAS CITY, PHILIPPINES Call Center Representative (US account)/ APR 2005 - AUG 2005 Role: Sales / Outbound Telemarketing / Customer Service / Online Advertising / B2B / Customer Management / Order Processing / Website Analysis / Sales Analysis / Account: YELLOW PAGES DOT BIZ – It's an online directory assistance company that offers advertisement to small and medium business by providing them websites display of their products and services. TELECONNECT, OTIGAS, PHILIPPINES Outbound Sale Representative (US and UK account)/ NOV 2004 - APR 2005 Role: Sales / Outbound telemarketing / Customer service / advertising – social media / Order Management / Data Entry / Data Mining / Cold Calling / Sales Analysis / B2B / Lead Generation / Account: TELE2 – British Account – Tele2 is a telephone line Company, who is a competitor of British Telecoms. The largest telephone Company in England, Tele 2 offers much cheaper local, long distance and International calls. LAYP (Local Area Yellow Pages) >American Account, LAYP offers on-line Advertisement by providing small business better chances to compete and widen the ranges of its on-line marketing. BIZOPIA – American Base Account, it’s an on-line directory Assistance Company that offers services such as website Hosting for small and large businesses to Advertising their services and products on-line to consumers around America. LEENOH CORP / ORTIGAS, PHILIPPINES On- Line ESL Korean / MAY 2005 – MAR 2006 Role: Teaching / Training / Customer Service On-line English teaching using (VOIP) Voice Over Internet Protocol or video conference thru VOIP Enhancing their conversational skills thru different up to date events exercises. Grammar and Basic pronunciation for lower levels. KUK-CHE UHAGON INC/ QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES ESL Teacher Korean / Japanese / January 2004 - October 2004 Role: Teaching / Training / Customer Service Teaching English Proficiency in different level for Teaching for non-English Speaking foreigners, specifically Korean and Japanese (beginners, Intermediate and advance (TOIEC) Modern Cross – Cultural System of teaching English language to non-English Speaking Nationalities, (man to man teaching) EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Advertising Far Eastern University, Philippines- *** Reference is available upon request
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