Ian Laurence Ramiro

Ian Laurence Ramiro

Full stack developer. NodeJS, Angular, Javascript, Java
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
32 years old
Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
6 years

I am an experienced full stack software developer with about 6 years of experience in the software development industry and with a demonstrated history of working with various projects and technologies. I am results-driven, customer-focused, analytical Software Engineer who can think “out of the box”. My strength is on design and integration problem-solving.

My expertise is on Web development using different technologies like Java, Node.JS, Javascript, C++, C#, .NET, Wordpress and different databases like Oracle, mySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL server . With regard to software development methodologies, I am adept with Agile using scrum and Waterfall.

In summary, my experiences include:

·            Engineering web development, all layers, from database to services to user interfaces

·            Supporting legacy systems with backups of all cases to/from parallel systems

·            Analysis and design of databases and user interfaces

·            Implementing software development life cycle policies and procedures

·            Managing and supporting multiple projects

Knowledgeable with unit testing and other software testing

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