Hugo Alfonso Corredor Sanchez

Hugo Alfonso Corredor Sanchez

Sales assistant and writer
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26 years old
Bogota, Distrito capital, Colombia
1 year
Hugo Corredor V I R T U A L A S S I S TA N T Profile Details I am an aeronautical engineering student at the University of San Buenaventura, I have been in my studies for almost four years and during this time I have been working on interesting projects applied to my career. During this time of study I have attended some events in different areas, in 2016 I attended the Match for life which is a fundraising event for breast cancer, in that year I also went to the ninth CAMAN air show. At the end of 2016 I traveled to Egypt to attend a tourism program with Aiesec, in which I attended a conference called RISE 16, which was based on global issues and youth empowerment to change the world, and I had the opportunity to attend a Christmas event. in the city of Alexandria, in which I had the opportunity to share with Egyptian children. In 2017 and 2019 I attended the aeronautical fairs held in Rionegro, which are attended by great entrepreneurs from the aeronautical sector in Colombia, the United States and the rest of Latin America. CL 1-7 3 7 B á 92 TO 2 AP 80+, For the next year when I graduate and I want to do my internships in the United States to learn more about the world of aeronautical business to do in my country in the future, now I have some small entrepreneurship ideas to achieve in the future to create a great company, Soon I want to start my master's degree in aerospace engineering to carry out research to promote the aerospace development of my country. Bogot@ D.C., 110121, Colombia /- N AT I O N A L I T Y Colombian DRIVING LICENSE B1 D AT E z P L A C E O F B I R T 28z06z1998 Bogota Links Linkedin Skills Employment History Microsoft Excel Sales assistant, Grupo Passai, Bogota MatlabzSimulink JANUARY 2018 — NOVEMBER 2019 I worked at Grupo Passai S.A.S for almost two years, there I was at Sales department in charge of making schedules, managing payments, supervising 5nances and making inventories. Grupo Passai is a Colombian company that works in the sector of heavy machinery and supply of construction materials. This company has worked for the last seven years in buildings in places such as Ubate, Santa Marta, Neiva, Medellin, Girardot and Agua de Dios. Ansys Catia V4 R studio Adobe Illustrator Adobe Flash Education Autodesk AutoCAD High School, Colegio de La Salle, Bogota Autodesk Inventor JANUARY 2004 — DECEMBER 2014 Primary and high school in La Salle School in Bogota Aeronautical engineering, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota J U LY 2 0 1 6 — P R E S E N T I am curretly studying at San Buenaventura University Aeronautical engineering, i have been working at some nice proyect like the design of #aps, selection of materials, aerodynamics analysis, and my current proyect is about a rocket using hybrid propulsion. Soon i will begin my tesis in the performance analysis of an helicopter, taking into account the topography of Colombia. Internships Internship, Explore Egypt, Alexandria, Egypt Languages English Spanish Portuguese NOVEMBER 2017 — JANUARY 2017 At the age of 18, I went to Egypt to assist an internship program with the Arab Academy of Science and Technology. There i worked in ways to show the tourism in Egypt with people from Bra il, India, Rumania and Mongolia. In Egypt I learned a lot of things and had a great experience, which helped me a lot to visuali e my dreams and goals for my life, also sharing with other cultures helped me to be more tolerant towards the world.
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