Haris Khan

Haris Khan

Programmer/ SEO Expert / Digital Marketing Expert
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
33 years old
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
5 years

Website Traffic Improvement - Bringing visitors who are interested in services and products on to the websites and improve user engagement.With Focused SEO and social media marketing;

I am also experienced in designing and developing websites from scratch with complete branding.

  • Brand recognition via Content marketing –
  • Visibility across all the Social Media Platforms -
  • Recurring updates about the company across all the social media
  • Paid advertisement on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Engaging with the users via discussions, surveys, comments & polls
  • Lead generations – Structuring the SEO campaign, Social media advertisement, Google ads and website in such a manner that interested users are converted into potential leads and future customers.

Website Audit& Analysis

To rank higher, we will first analyze websites and its content, your competitions, your audience and the keywords these audience uses to find your website/product services.

  • Website Audit
  • Content Audit
  • Competitive Analysis

Setting up Tracking codes and software

In sync with website audit, we set up tracking codes of Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager, Google Console, Heat mapping software. This allows us to monitor the traffic,bounce rate, individual page performances and traffic from social media and other mediums.

Enhancing website Performance

Once website audit is done, the whole dedication would be on performing key on-page activities ensuring that your website structure and content is in equilibrium with latest algorithms of search engines. This part is further divided into following sub parts –

  • Adding relevant keywords to the website content; meta tags and images.
  • On-page Optimization (Schema markups, website version, Robots.txt, sitemap optimization)
  • Suggesting website content updates to serve user search intent.
  • Setting up necessary redirects, monitoring page performance via google search console; new keyword research and continuous content optimization.
  • Setting up social media profiles; Google my Business profile; 3-pack map optimization

I appreciate the opportunity to partner with Brand Website. Digital Marketing strategies and tactics will bring coveted qualified traffic to your website. There is no doubt that our experience in Digital Marketing matched with your domain expertise is a perfect one-two punch to long term & sustainable organic growth.

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