Gwantwa Lucas

Gwantwa Lucas

Iam marketing and communication expert
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
34 years old
Dar es salaam, Dar es salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
5 years
CURRICULUM VITAE MWAKALINGA, GWANTWA Personal Particulars Nationality : Tanzanian. Gender : Female Date of birth : 25th March 1989 Marital status : Single Language : Excellent spoken and written English and Kiswahili, 1. Contact Address: : P.O.Box 9190 : Dar es Salaam- United Republic of Tanzania. : Cell phone +255 - : E-mail;- 2. Academic and Professional Profile: - -Certified Professional Banker Tanzania Institute of Banker -- Bachelor of Commerce in Finance University of Dar es Salaam- Tanzania 3. Professional Membership Association Member of University of Dar es Salaam Entrepreneur Centre- UDEC Member of Dar es Salaam University Finance Association- DUFA 4. Working Experience June 2015 to APRIL 2018- Loan Officer At ACCESS BANK TANZANIA Limited. As an Officer at the Loan Department, I contributed to the performance of the Bank by being able to market different products and services of the Bank and managing loan portfolio at the Branch. I was attracting potential business loan clients and be able to conduct on-site business and risk assessment of loan applicants. Key accomplishments include among others the following: Analyses and reviews quality of potential and existing customers and increasing banks client base Managing and retaining relationships with existing banks clients Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all actual and attempted customers, Manages credit quality standards through effective management of risk according to the credit manuals and policy, Scrutinize loan applications, review feasibility reports and prepare appraisal reports, Verify loan application forms, crosschecking the requirements and advise customers accordingly, Maintain borrower’s files, reviewing contracts and ensure that all pre-disbursement conditions are fulfilled Reporting product success and if there is any need for improving Ensure that loan installments from customers are posted into relevant accounts. Follow-ups on non-performing loans /customers that are not paying their loan as per the agreement, Ensure that weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and any other reports on loan portfolio are accurate, complete, and prepared on schedule. November 2013 to April 2015- Marketing Strategist At Rigor International Rigor. This is an International Training and Recruitment company that offers soft skill trainings geared towards igniting workplace enthusiasm and improving work performance. Key accomplishments include among others the following: Design and implement marketing strategies aligned with business targets Forecast market trends, Research market to identify new opportunities Generate innovative ideas to promote our brand and products Ensure brand consistency Use customer feedback to ensure customer satisfaction 5. Referees. 1. Caroline Lovililo Managing Director Rigor International AICC Ngorongoro Wing, 5th Floor Arusha Tanzania Cell +255 - E-mail:- 2. Ms.karista msigala Loan officer specialist Accessbank tanzania P.O.Box ………... Dar es Salaam. Tanzania Cell +255 - 3. Mr. Atupele Mwakalinga Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, East African Community, P.O. Box 1096 Arusha, Tanzania Cell +255 - E- mail:-,- "I certify that the statements made by me are true, complete and correct. I also certify that any documentations provided in support of my application are authentic and accurate. I understand that any false or misleading statement or withholding relevant information may provide grounds for the withdrawal of any offer of appointment or the termination of employment."
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