Gord McIntosh

Gord McIntosh

Any writing or editing assignment.
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
74 years old
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
30 years
Gord McIntosh 33 Ariel Court, Ottawa K2H 8J- Veteran Ottawa consultant in public affairs and communications with an award-winning journalism background on Parliament Hill. Offers a skill set that spans advocacy to speech writing plus a network of contacts in all political parties, media and government. Chief strategist for successful advocacy campaign by Canadian Medical Association that won international and national awards. Currently studying French with aim of becoming fully bilingual. AREAS OF EXPERTISE *Branding *Media relations *Issue management *Content marketing *Speech writing *Media training *Fundraising *Communication plans *Professional speaking *Grassroots mobilizing *Micro targeting *Video scripting *Magazine writing *Social media strategy *Event planning *Copywriting *Government Relations *Advocacy TRACK RECORD Leadership & Innovation Author of key strategy document and action plan for Canadian Medical Association to make better seniors care an issue in the 2015 federal election and part of campaign platforms. By Election Day, seniors care had emerged as a “sleeper issue” and three of the four national parties had included it in their platforms. This campaign won two professional awards for advocacy excellence — a Reed Award in Washington and a silver medal from the Canadian Public Relations Society. Co-developer of DemandaPlan.ca, a CMA advocacy site with 75,000 members who have written 200,000 letters to MPs and Senators demanding seniors care strategy. Also developed written content. https://www.demandaplan.ca/ Wrote series of speeches for Dr. Chris Simpson, past president of the Canadian Medical Association, that won acclaim nationwide, including editorial endorsements in the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star. One of those speeches, Code Gridlock, was made into a TV commercial shown during the Stanley Cup playoffs of 2015. It has also received more than 340,000 views on Youtube. Links below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwvpRYCMeLg http://www.qparse-apperq.org/Documents/Simpson-Code-Gridlock-EN.pdf The Code Gridlock speech was also adapted by several publications, including Inside Policy at the Macdonald=Laurier Institute: https://www.macdonaldlaurier.ca/files/pdf/201502FEBRUARYInside%20PolicySIMPSON.pdf Wrote op-ed article on behalf of Harold Calla, chair of First Nations Financial Management Board, on importance of building an Indigenous economy. This article appeared in the Vancouver Sun, Regina Leader-Post and other Postmedia newspapers across the country. http://www.vancouversun.com/Time+focus+future+what+whom/-/story.html Founder of all-party caucus of MPs and Senators devoted to press freedom on behalf of the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom (UNESCO) in April 2017. This caucus was instrumental in the passing of Canada’s first shield law to protect journals’ sources. Editor of Elections Canada Media Handbook on Election Law, Economist Intelligence Unit yearly report on Financial Operations in Canada and other major reports. Organizer of all-party caucus on seniors care on Parliament Hill. Wrote op-ed that appeared in 14 daily newspapers on care of the aging on the eve of the annual Premiers meeting in Whitehorse in July 2016. https://leaderpost.com/opinion/columnists/fixing-care-for-seniors-will-help-canadas-entire-health-system Client service & results Chief media strategist for Cape Farewell multi-media project by British Council on climate change involving 156 high school students around the world. Earned media total more than 400 news stories over 18-month period. 2009 advocacy campaign that assisted victims’ rights group in winning changes to Criminal Code through one of six private member’s bills passed in the 40th Parliament. This work was highlighted in a documentary on Netflix by American filmmaker Kurt Kuenne. Link below: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Dear+Zachary+Netflix&&view=detail&mid=A0A238D43F0A2137A105A0A238D43F0A2137A105&&FORM=VDRVRV Helped Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corp., an aboriginal financial institution, build its leading and award-winning TWCC brand in Manitoba, and on Parliament Hill. Publicist for Young People F*cking, a successful Canadian feature film in 2008 that gained worldwide coverage, including live debate on CTV News Network between film’s producer and Rev. Charles McVety, president of Canadian Christian College and conservative political activist. Consulted on resource management policy development for First Nations Financial Management Board. Secured publication of op-ed with chairman’s byline in Postmedia Newspapers. Scripted award-winning video for Mackenzie Aboriginal Corp. and Government of the Northwest Territories on Mackenzie Highway extension project in 2012. Led seminar on how organizations can ensure their messaging is heard over the din of others at 2012 Canada Communicators conference of International Association of Business Communicators. 86% audience satisfaction rate. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND 110 percent communications services 2006-present Principal National Association of Federal Retirees2017-present Senior Writer Investment Executive Magazine1993-present Monthly columnist, business and government Congress of Aboriginal Peoples 2017-present Policy Advisor Sussex Strategy Group2016-present Affiliate Honeybadger Strategy Corp.2016-present Senior Consultant Brown & Cohen Public Relations2020=present Senior Consultant & Ottawa rep Acart Communications 2016-present Senior Copywriter Canadian Medical Association Senior Advisor Political Engagement- Senior Advisor Communications, Writer- Hon. Sheila Copps Campaign for Liberal Party President Director of Communications - Advocacy School Faculty- Cape Farewell Project, British Council- Senior Media Strategist Ketchum Public Relations- Senior Associate Interplay Communications- Senior Associate & Media Trainer G4 Communications- Vice-President Association House- Senior Associate Team Cormorant- Director of Communications Prior to 2000 held a series of progressive roles in media, including senior parliamentary correspondent at Canadian Press, financial markets writer, managing editor of the Woodstock Daily Sentinel-Review, city editor, reporter, magazine contributor, columnist, radio reporter and television panellist. AWARDS & RECOGNITION Co-winner Reed Award 2015 for best online advocacy campaign in Canada. This award by Campaigns and Elections Magazine in Washington is coveted by political professionals. Silver Medalist 2015 Canadian Public Relations Society for government relations campaign of the year. Hill Times Top 100 Lobbyist on Parliament Hill- Runner-up National Newspaper Award 1992 Co-winner National Newspaper Award 1979 EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Seneca College communications arts Canadian Magazine Publishers Association editing course, Simon Fraser University University of Toronto summer writing school Australian Government Journalism Fellowship COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom (UNESCO) Director/fundraiser2007 - present International Association of Business Communicators (Ottawa chapter) Past president- Government Relations Institute of Canada (GRIC) Director- National Press Gallery- President Canadian Media Guild- National Vice-president REFERENCES Jacques Lefebvre, CEO Dairy Farmers of Canada,-, email- Dr. Chris Simpson, Vice-Dean of Queens University School of Medicine, and past president of the Canadian Medical Association,-, email- Garth Whyte, CEO Fertilizer Canada,-, email- Tracy Walden, Vice-president Communications, Canadian Wind Energy Association,-, email- Hon. Sheila Copps. Retired Member of Parliament and Deputy Prime Minister,-, email- Michael Balagus, Principal Secretary to Leader of the Opposition of Ontario,-, email- Karl Belanger, former Principal Secretary to the Leader of the federal NDP and National Director of the party,-, email- Philip Murphy, former Chief of Staff to Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, now president of Honeybadger Strategic Corp.,-, email- Senator Jim Munson, 613 947 2504, email- Senator Dennis Dawson,-, email- Dr. Jeff Turnbull, Retired Chief of Staff, the Ottawa Hospital,-, email- Dr. Anna Reid, Ecojustice Board Member and past president of the Canadian Medical Association,-, email- Patrick Dion, Principal, Greenbridge Group and retired deputy chair Canadian Mental Health Commission,-, email- Judy Whiteduck, Director, Assembly of First Nations,- x 226,- Alan Park, CEO of Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corp.,-, email- Robert Bertrand, National Chief, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples,-, email- Nahlah Ayed, Host of CBC Ideas,-, email- Sarah Turnbull, Digital Editor, CTV News,-, email- Caroline Bourbonnière, Office of the Minister of Heritage,-, email- Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress,-, email- Martin O’Hanlon, Canada Director, Communications Workers of America,-, email-
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