Gilson Hachiro

Gilson Hachiro

Customer Success
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
45 years old
São Paulo, Sp, Brazil
10 years
GI LSON HACHI RO RuaAl exandr eFar nési o33 Vi l aCar r ão- - del usi a@gmai l . c om ABOUTME WORKEXPERI ENCE Passi onat ec ust omersat i sf ac t i on f oc usedpr of essi onalwi t h1 0+y ear exper i enc ec ur r ent l yseeki ngf ora heal t hi erper sonall i f e. Facebook Iunder st andpeopl e. T hat ' swhatI l i ket hemost . Looki ngf oraj obt hatwi l lal l ow met ohel ppeopl ewhent heyneed ev eni fc r eat i v eway swi l lbe nec essar y . Cust omerSuppor tSpeci al i st SÃOPAULO- Under st andi ngt hei ssuest hatt hec ust omerf ac eswhenusi ng Fac ebookadspl at f or m andal li t ' sassoc i at et ool s. Ri otGames Pl ayerSuppor tSpeci al i st SÃOPAULO- Ser v i c eandsuppor tf orLeagueofLegendspl ay er s. Gl obal Sour ce Hel pdesk SÃOPAULO- Comput erser v i c eandsuppor t . LANGUAGES •Por t uguese •Engl i sh EDUCATI ON Uni ver si dade SãoJudasTadeu Psychol ogy SÃOPAULO SOCI ALLI NKS FATEC Cent r oPaul aSouza CARAPI CUÍ BA Li nkedi n l i nkedi n. c om/ i n/ gi l sonhac hi r ob- I nst agr am i nst agr am. c om/ l ov e4empt i ness Anal ysi sofI nf or mat i onSyst emsandTechnol ogi es
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