Gibson Cabahug Tautho

Gibson Cabahug Tautho

Web Development
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
26 years old
ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, Region IX, Philippines
3 years
TAUTHO, GIBSON C. ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, Region IX | - |-PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Proficient Graphic Designer knowledgeable about logos, marketing materials and website design. Demonstrated success at providing complete business services to corporate clients. SKILLS ◼ graphic designing ◼ writting and translation ◼ transcribing ◼ data entry ◼ website development ◼ photography WORK HISTORY MARCH 2018-CURRENT IT Specialist | Varorient Shipping Co., Inc | Makati City, National Capital Region MARCH 2018-JANUARY 2020 ◼Lead in development, mentainance, implementation and other related function og an information specialist. Freelance Graphic Designer | Upwork Freelancing | March 2017-CURRENT ◼ Design vaious website and usiness logo from diferent client aound the world ◼ Developed numerous marketing programs ( logos, brochures, newsletters, infographics, advertisements) and guaranteed that thry exceeded clients expectations. ◼ Manage up to 5 projects or task at a given time while working under pressure to meet weekly deadlines. ◼Recomended and consulted with clients on the most appropriate graphic designs options base on their overall marketing goals. EDUCATION MARCH- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology University of the Philippines, Manila, NCR
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