Date of birth
Gian Piero Pavesi
Via Sant’Anna 12, 20014, Nerviano, Milan, Italy
Via Vittorio Veneto 18, 18039, Ventimiglia, Imperia, Italy
7, Gennaio, 1976
Big Data, Big Compute, IoT Specialist
Business analytics and Data Science
Cloud solution Architect
Business and SOA Architect
J2EE and .Net Web Architect
Network and Application Designer
Professional software development ( Imperative, OO, Functional programming) .
Project Manager/Scrum Master
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Pagina 1-5 - Curriculum vitae di
Pavesi Gian Piero
Since January 2016
Microsoft Italy, Via Lombardia, 2 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo, Milan ( IT )
IT Products and Services
Cloud Solution Architect
Provide deep architectural advice to the customer with respect to Microsoft Azure, helping to define project
implementation approach, including security.
Engage deeply to ensure Azure POCs and production deployments are a success (prove, architect, move
first workloads, review code, configuration).
Advise the customer about how to transition to Azure, building a customized cloud adoption plan based on
each customer’s unique needs and goals.
Provide appropriate recommendations to overcome blockers.
Main Projects:
RCS Media Group:
Move to cloud program (IaaS & PaaS)
Machine Learning and GLM models
Mediolanum Bank:
DevOps on Azure;
Modern Apps on Azure;
Datacenter transformation;
Luxottica Group:
Move to cloud program (IaaS & PaaS)
Big Data and Machine Learning workloads;
IoT for the new Oakley glasses for cycling
Carnival Group:
IoT for +110 Cruises
Mediaset Media Group:
Data Lake on Azure;
Rai SpA:
Azure Media Services;
Cloudera CDH on Azure IaaS
January 2015 – December 2015
Capgemini Technology Services, 400 avenue de Roumanille, 06903 Sophia Antipolis, Nice ( FR )
Program Manager
Digital Analytics @Amadeus IT Group, Bel Air Campus, Villenueuve-Loubet, Nice ( FR )
Digital Marketing Specialist
Data Scientist, predictive models using R programming language and Tableau Software.
Business analysis of a portfolio of +20 International Airlines. In charge of analyze and deliver
recommendations to improve the online results by building a conversion and landing page
optimization strategies.
Google Analytics, Google tag manager implementation
Advertising factories cost of sales analysis, Adwords, Facebook and Twitter ads.
Main Projects:
eBusinees Accelerator Consultant:
Google analytics accounts insight analysis
Machine Learning and GLM models
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
March 2013 – January 2015
Quixa S.p.A, AXA Group, Via Muzio Attendolo detto Sforza 11, 20141 Milano
Senior Enterprise Architect
Big Data Specialist:
Big Data Architecture designer;
Predictive Analytics Engines;
A/B Testing;
Cloudera Cluster (Hadoop, Spark,Spoop,Hive,Impala) configuration and administration;
Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana configuration and administration;
Couchbase/MongoDB Distributed Clustering configuration and administration;
Continuous Delivery Manager and Scrum Master:
Release Management using Visual Studio 2013, Team Foundation Server and Octopus Deploy;
Incident Manager. Customization of monitoring tools (RUM, SIEM);
Coach, facilitate, solve work problems, and participate in the work of the team;
Software Quality Assurance Engineer:
Test environment preparation. Functional, User Acceptance Test, Load and Stress Test.
Ensure non regression activity, Customer Validation Test support.
Script Automation activities with Jenkins CI, SoapUI, Selenium HQ, Oracle Test Manager
Main Projects:
Quixa Web Site - Front end rehosting
Asp.NET MVC 4, HTML 5, CSS 3, Jquery 1.8, MS Sql 2008
Upgrade Oracle 9.2 to 11g
CRM Multichannels System:
Asp.NET MVC 4.5, HTML 5, CSS 3, Jquery 1.8, Couchbase NoSql Cluster
Claims adjusters Dashboard
Asp.NET MVC 4.5, HTML 5, CSS 3, Jquery 1.8, Couchbase NoSql Cluster
Responsive web site;
Asp.NET MVC 4.5, Bootstrap, AngularJS, MS Sql 2012
Big data, Cloudera data HUB
Asp.NET MVC 4.5, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Cloudera CDH 5.2, MongoDB
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
August 2011 - March 2013
Amadeus Italia S.p.A, Via Morimondo 26, 20143 Milano
Global Distribution System
Business Consultant
Team leader and Project Manager
Resource planning;
Intercede with the supervisor on behalf of the team to inform the supervisor of performance
management issues/problems;
Report to the supervisor periodically on team and individual work accomplishments, problems,
progress in mastering tasks and work processes, and individual and team training needs;
Coach, facilitate, solve work problems, and participate in the work of the team;
Supplier Management
Participate to evaluation and establishing of New Suppliers and Contracts
Processing of Standard Orders
Participate to supplier and Contract Review
Participate to Contract Renewal or Termination
Program Manager:
In charge of Integration projects for Corporate customers;
Pre-Sales activities such as:
Solution Proposal based on Customers’ Requirements;
Proof of Concept Creation and Product demonstrations;
Creation of Statement of work Documents;
Main Projects:
Online Booking Tool @FCA S.p.A.
Amadeus eTravel Management, Amadeus WS, SamLv2, J2EE GlassFish, MS Sql 2008
Self booking Tool @Unicredit S.p.A
Amadeus eTravel Management, Amadeus WS, J2EE GlassFish, MS Sql 2008
Online Booking Tool @Decathlon S.p.A.
Amadeus eTravel Management, Amadeus WS, SamLv2, J2EE Tomcat, MS Sql 2008
RFPs per Barilla S.p.A, Enel S.p.A. , Tenaris S.p.A
Pagina 2-5 - Curriculum vitae di
Pavesi Gian Piero
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
November 2009 - August 2011
Direct Line S.p.A, Royal Insurance Group. Piazza Monte Titano 10, 20143 Milano
Senior Application Architect
Architecture and Design Supervisor
Technical design and architecture of systems;
Responsible for the delivery in the midrange systems J2EE JBoss EAP 5
Test automation with Selenium, SoapUI, HP Quality Center
Analysis, design and development of the software needed to support insurance processes such as:
Quotation, rating engine and underwriting classes;
Back-office services before and after policy activation;
Services for communication with the database Ania;
Isvap flows and electronic payments;
Project Manager/Scrum Master.
Management and budget control, projects coordination Internet, Intranet, Extranet in Oracle PL /
SQL, J2EE e shell scripting in Sun Solaris /Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems technologies.
Main Projects:
Direct Line web site reengineering
J2EE 6 Jboss 6, JSP, JPA, EJB, Oracle 9.2
New Api Centric Architecture
J2EE 6 Jboss 6, JPA, EJB, Oracle 9.2, JAX-RS,
Automazione processo di rilascio di 5 ambienti differenti ( sviluppo, test, UAT,QA e produzione);
Jenkins CI
Automazione stress e QA test
Selenium HQ, JMeter
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
March 2007 - November 2009
GS S.p.A, Gruppo Carrefour Via Caldera,- Milano
Large retailers and Logistics
Senior System Analyst
Technical and Functional referent of the logistics systems.
Analysis, design and software development necessary to support logistics processes such as:
Supply chain management;
Management of store merchandise in stock, Cross Docking, preallocated, and transit;
Transport Optimization, Promotions, accounts, automatic reordering Point of Sale;
Extractions and automatic printing of various kinds;
Project Manager:
Coordination of projects using Oracle PL / SQL, Oracle Forms, HP-UX / Sun Solaris.
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Dicember 2004 - Febbrary 2007
Accenture Technology Solutions s.r.l. Via Fabiani, 1 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)
Software House e ICT Consulting
Senior Analyst Programmer
Analyst programmer in the Internet Banking and banking processes.
Application Maintenance project at Banca Mediolanum S.p.A.
J2EE Programmer, JWS, COM Objects, MS .NET, Oracle PL/SQL, XML,XSL,XHTML.
Project Manager, project coordination Internet, Extranet (Portal, Banking, eCommerce, Business
to Business, Business to Consumer) Intranet and Client-Server.
Implementing a security system for auditing purpose of controlling phishing attacks;
Implementing an enterprise search engine using Microsoft SharePointServer;
ICT Centralization at UBI Banca S.p.A
Implementing a document management system with technology MS SharePoint Portal
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
2001 - 2004
Tecnes Milano s.r.l.
Via Schiapparelli 2 20125 Milano
ICT Consulting
Analyst Programmer and Unix e Windows system administrator
Analysis, design and development of small and medium size projects.
Analyst Programmer Client-Server technology, Object-Oriented methodology.
Able to conduct courses and seminars on programming Client-Server, Object-Oriented RDBMS.
Design and development of dynamic Web sites using J2EE technology.
Unix and Windows systems administrator. Monitoring and analysis of complex networks.
Project at HP Italia s.r.l.
Design and implementation of LANs and WANs, Cisco router configuration.
CLS project at Banca Intesa S.p.A.
Support for Level 2, with night availability for business critical applications on Unix systems.
Project at ENI S.p.A.
Unix and Windows Server System Administrator;
Pagina 3-5 - Curriculum vitae di
Pavesi Gian Piero
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
1998 – 2004
Milan Polytechnics
Information Systems and Network Security
Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
13 September 2007
Master 24 - Business Economics
Management, Business Economics, Management and Development of Human Resources, Operations
Frequency Certificate of the Business School "Il Sole 24 Ore"
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
Microsoft Corporation
70-532, 70-533, 70-534 - Microsoft Azure’s Certifications
Microsoft Certified Professional Specialist
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
July 2016
Microsoft Corporation
Azure Solution Architect
Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
June 2016 – November 2016
edX and Microsoft Corporation
Data Science Curriculum from Microsoft
Data Scientist
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
September 2009 to July 2012
Business course
Effective communication, NLP for sale, The Art of Negotiating
Certificate of attendance
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
28 September 2004
Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems Networking CCNA
CCNA Certification
Organization providing education
Principal subjects covered
Title of qualification awarded
1993 – 1998
Institute Technic Industrial Statale Giovanni Giorgi
Electronic, Electrical and Telecommunications
Diploma in Electronic and Telecommunications
Mother tongue
Other Languages
English, CEFR level B2
French, CEFR level A1, learning on going
German, CEFR level A1
Pagina 4-5 - Curriculum vitae di
Pavesi Gian Piero
Software development methodology:
Waterfall, CMMI, Agile, XP, Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban.
Cloud Computing:
SaaS, PaaS ( OpenShift, MS Azure Services, Google App, Salesforce), IaaS (Amazon Web Services,
Rackspace. MS Azure, OpenStack).
Operating System:
Administrator skills in Windows Server 2003/2008R2,2012, Windows XP, 7, 8
Administrator skills in Unix :HP-UX, Sun OS,Solaris 10, IBM AIX 4.3, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux
Basic knowledge in IBM AS400, CICS.
Software Experience:
MS Office,OpenOffice,MS Visio,Matlab,MS Project, SAP, Business Object.
C,C++, C#, VB.NET, JAVA, Javascript, HTML, XSL, PHP, ASP.NET, J2EE, Python, R
PL/SQL, Ruby, shell scripting.
Front End frameworks:
Bootstrap 3, AngularJS, Knockout;
PHP Frameworks:
Simfony, Laravel, Phalcon, Yii.
Integrated development environment:
MS Visual Studio .NET, Eclipse, NetBeans, Xcode, SQL Developer, Toad.
Application Servers:
JBoss, IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, Jakarta Tomcat,Jetty, Macromedia JRun, Oracle IAS, IIS 6,7.5.
Data Bases RDBMS:
Oracle 9i/10g,11g, SQL Server 2000/2005,2008, MySql, PostgreSQL.
Couchbase, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra.
Big Data:
Hadoop, Yarn, Spark, Hive, Cloudera Impala,HBase, Flume,Kafka,Sqoop, Oozie, Avro, ZooKeeper.
Google Analytics, Google Tag manager, Tableau, Adobe Omniture, ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash,
Test Suites:
SOAPUI, Selenium HQ, HP Quality Center, Oracle Test Manager, JMeter.
Collaborative Tools:
SharePoint Server, Team Foundation Server, Team City, Rally, Project Server, HP PPM, SVN, Git.
I love working in a team
Great force of will
I do everything to achieve the goals set
I‘m a sporting person who loves distance running.
I‘m very interested in renewable energies and study the various implementations and uses.
I declare that I have been informed of the rights referred to in Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, I
guarantee the veracity of the information provided and I consent to treatment
Pagina 5-5 - Curriculum vitae di
Pavesi Gian Piero