Ghulam Hasnain

Ghulam Hasnain

Market Research Specialist
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
31 years old
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
5 years

Research experience of 5+ years in public and private sector organizations, locally and internationally in corporate research, financial research, academic and sector research studies, regulatory framework, market analysis (domestic and international), market research, policy implication and recommendations related to Private Equity, Venture Capital, Fintech Companies, different sector of the economy.

Area of Expertise:

Market analysis

Market Size, Drivers and Growth Projections

SWOT Analysis

Niche Markets

Investors' research and information

Companies Research

Companies' Decision makers' details

Online/Web Research 

Competitors Analysis

Charts and Graphs among others

Pricing Strategies

Porter's 5 Forces

PESTEL Analysis

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