Genial Hector

Genial Hector

Customer service / Operations handling / Customer support
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
5 years

I believe in learning. I don't think there's anything that cannot be done if the right tools are provided. It's been around 5 years since I left university and started working, in this span of time I've worked with a few respected organizations and currently working with a website ( as an operations specialist, my tasks include the following.

  1. Handling the CRM.

  2. Update schedules for all the courses on website.

  3. Gather updates from third party vendors and implement on our site.

  4. Higher external contractor as an instructor for some Courses.

  5. Analysis of errors and finding the solutions.

Previously I was working for a BPO as a customer service executive, been there for about a year , was chosen as the employee of the month three times.

With my quick learning skills and Laziness, I believe in finding the quickest and most effective way to do tasks.

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