Gabriel Leo Yumang Gonzales

Gabriel Leo Yumang Gonzales

Create Occupational Safety and Health Manual, ISPS Manual and Plans.
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
48 years old
General Santos City, Region 12, Philippines
26 years

Been Occupational Safety and Health Practitioner since 2005, Accreditation issued by Department of Labor and Employment - Occupational Safety and Health Center. Certified Security Professional (CSP) issued by the Philippine Society for Industrial Security, Certified Maritime Transport Security Officer (MTSO) issued by Intelligence Outcome Group PTY Ltd. Australia, Certified Occupational Safety and Health Auditor, Certified Trainer for Occupational Safety and Health, Pollution Control Officer Category A. Security preparation, plans and execution in grand opening of one Commercial Shopping Mall in General Santos City. In-charge in preparation and execution of plans in accordance to Security, Environment, Safety and Wellness in opening of one 100 bed capacity Healthcare Hospital in General Santos City. Work Environment exposures are as follow: Port Services which focus on loading, unloading of cargoes from vessel to port and vice versa, transportation of goods from port area to container yards and warehouses, Tracking and documentation of received and withdrawn cargoes in area of responsibilities, control threats coming from local and international source. Logistics activities such as inventory of store house, production planning, preparation of finished product, packing, loading, booking for shipment, documentation and transport. Shipyard activities: Safety Plan preparation and execution, vessel requirements from repair, demolition or building, parts tagging, documentation and delivery of services in accordance to IMO. Shopping Mall security plans and arrangement in accordance to facility operation schedule, customer requirements, control of tenants behavior and security personnel discipline. Engineering and maintenance, sanitation and cleanliness, minor construction projects, Preventive Maintenance, corrective maintenance, calibration, and cleaning supplies from toiletries to sanitizers. Pest Control Services, plant nursey, landscape and garden maintenance, Laundry services. Camp Accommodation management, facility management, healthcare engineering & maintenance, linen services and ISO QMS, OHSAS and EMS Quality Assurance.

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