G V Satish

G V Satish

Good In HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, RWD, jQuery/Javascript, Sketch, Invision App
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
49 years old
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
13 years

➢    Master of Science in Information Technology & Management with 12 years of experience in UX/UI designer/development experience in IT industries.

➢    Expertise in HTML5, Responsive Design, CSS3, Angular 4, Typescript, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, RWD (Responsive Web Design), Sketch App, Invision App.

➢    Has an extensive background in UX/UI development as per using tools such as Eclipse, visual studio Code, Sublime Text, Dream weaver, Adobe- Photoshop, HomeSite and notepad++

➢    Having extensive experience in UX design using Liquid layouts (CSS + Div), DOM manipulations using jQuery and table layouts and implementing W3C web guidelines.

➢    Proven ability to prioritize and complete multiple tasks.

➢    Ability to interact with Business Analysts and Technical personnel. Self-motivated and quick learner.

➢    Focus towards Productivity & Quality improvements and Zero Defect Delivery, have managed mid-size teams for various Web development projects.

➢    Flair for problem solving and troubleshooting capabilities.

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