Francois-jean de Brienne

Francois-jean de Brienne

Senior iOS and GIS Architect / Developer
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Hourly ($/hour)
56 years old
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
30 years
François-jean de Brienne Founding Partner François-jean de Brienne has 25+ years of experience in large scale IT so=ware development, five of which have been dedicated to iOS design and development. During his assignments at Trov and through the development of Fasterre’s App Store products, François-jean has acquired strong experMse in technological project recovery, team and deliverable management, funcMonal and technical architecture, and effecMve communicaMon with users. François-jean is known for his capacity to make difficult decisions when required. His clients appreciate the quality of his work along with the care he takes in respecMng iniMal costs and deadlines. His peers consider him as a mentor, whether for his technical skills or his ability to communicate complex concepts in simple terms. iOS and other relevant experience ObjecMve-C 7 years Swi= 2.5 years Oracle and RelaMonal DBMS Experience 25 years Mobile ApplicaMon Architecture, Apple Frameworks 7 years Object Oriented Programming Experience 20 years RESTful APIs and Cloud development 8 years Work Experience 2016- Tink Senior iOS Developer Adding mulMple features and ensuring steady maintenance of the MyMetro Shopping App. 2016- Fasterre iOS Design and Development Architecture, development and Graphical Design for Vest - Your Stock Investment Companion; our newest App on the store. - BC Hydro (Fasterre and Fujitsu) GIS Technical Lead Development of a new soluMon to Me in exisMng GIS data with a mobile workforce for compleMon of trouble orders in the field. Designed security principles and architecture of interfaces between a mobile work dispatching soluMon and GIS databases. - BC Hydro (Fasterre) Senior GIS Developer Worked on mulMple enhancements and new systems to enhance the BC Hydro DistribuMon user experience, centred around mobility, in the field surveys, outage management and restoraMon and vegetaMon management 2013 Tröv (Fasterre) iOS ApplicaMon Designer Helped Tröv design and advance their own iOS App giving users access to their “Personal Cloud For Every Thing You Own”. 2012 General Electric (Fasterre) Product Designer / Senior Developper Designed and developed a product for General Electric (Analysis & OpMmizaMon) to analyse and opMmize electrical distribuMon networks. 2011 Fasterre iOS ApplicaMon Designer Designed and built a complex OpenGL applicaMon called Woodcra=. Woodcra= is a CAD applicaMon for woodworkers. - BC Hydro (Fasterre) Lead Architect Provided architectural vision for a large-scale CIM interface between BC Hydro’s exisMng GIS system and a new DMS system, completely implemented by Fasterre. 2010 - - Dominion Gas (Fasterre and GE Energy) GIS Architect BC Hydro (Fasterre and Accenture Business Services for UMliMes) Senior Smallworld Consultant Fasterre Mobile SoluMons Architect Evaluate complexity and migraMon potenMal for an interface between the Dominion GIS (SAMS) and a load calculaMon engineering system (SynerGEE) in the context of a SAMS migraMon to GDO/GTO. Designed and implemented a QA Process within BCHydro’s mobile Smallworld ApplicaMon named SAM. Architected and designed a iPhone GIS called Terrapad available on the Apple App Store. - 2007 - - 2003 - Videotron ltée. (Fasterre) GIS Developer Service de cartes Desjardins (OSI ConsulMng Group) FuncMonal Architect Hydro Quebec (Cofomo ConsulMng Services) GIS Systems Integrator Hydro Quebec (Cofomo ConsulMng Services) FuncMonal Architect Hydro Quebec (Cofomo ConsulMng Services) FuncMonal Architect – DistribuMon Network SNC-Lavalin Technology Architect in Development PNI migraMon from version 3.1 to version 4.1 Development of mulMple custom tools for the Videotron engineering department. Created a funcMonal architecture consulMng department. Provided development team consulMng. Oversaw all funcMonal and technical developments related to Hydro-Quebec’s Design Manager implementaMon. Oversaw funcMonal aspects of Smallworld core, Design Manager and VTK customizaMons during the DCartes project. Developed a 5-year evoluMon plan for electric distribuMon systems at HydroQuebec. Provided development consulMng and monitored trends in technology. Recommended plasorms for development migraMons. - SNC-Lavalin Corporate Development Architecture Team Leader Managed a team of 7 senior corporate architects. - - - Teleglobe (AGTI ConsulMng Services) Project Manager – eBusiness Infrastructures Microcell (AGTI ConsulMng Services) CLEC Project Development Team Leader Teleglobe Development Support Specialist Developed an infrastructure allowing Teleglobe to become a key player in voice and data transmission. Managed a development team during the implementaMon of the CLEC cerMficaMon for the CRTC. Solved complex development problems, trained developers, established coding standards. - - SNC-Lavalin (AGTI ConsulMng Services) Corporate Development Architect Teleglobe Development Support Specialist Solved complex development problems, trained developers, established coding standards. Solved complex development problems, trained developers, established coding standards. - Teleglobe (DMR ConsulMng Group Inc.) Programmer Analyst - Centre écho Programmer Analyst - Quebec Ministry of Public Security Programmer Analyst - Groupe Stavibel Programmer Analyst
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