Fadi Sayegh

Fadi Sayegh

Cad design, Product design, HVAC system design
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
32 years old
Mersin, Mersin, Turkey
5 years

I am a mechanical engineer,department of power mechanical engineering. My main responsibilities to design and model parts of machines or even complete machines in different scales, related to mechanical engineering field, using different CAD software such as: SolidWorks, Autocad, and ANSYS Workbench.I have a good experience in HVAC design. I am capable of producing mechanical and plumbing drawings for construction. In doing so, I am capable of load calculations, duct layout and air distribution, equipment selection, plumbing sizing, etc. I also designed a layout of an HVAC system for a hotel . Furthermore, I am also a Certified Solidworks Associate which serves as a testimony to my liking towards 3D modeling and design. I am proficient in the full Microsoft office suite, autoCAD. achieve excellence and positive impact on the engineering field by using my strong background in computer aided design, energy analysis, computational fluid dynamics & HVAC system design.

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