Erland Nafid

Erland Nafid

Web Developer
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
30 years old
Wonosobo, Jawatengah, Indonesia
3 years

I'm an professional web developer with excellent communication skills and a vast experience. During my career I was concentrated on web projects, and mostly these projects were driven by PHP, NodeJs and MySQL on server side, and Javascript on client side. By years I was knowledgeable not only in these technologies, but also with different frameworks, which allow to make development faster. For example Laravel Framework, Symfony and Codeigniter for PHP. ExpressJs for NodeJs. AngularJs, ReactJs, VueJs and jQuery for Javascript. Also I tried to use some NoSQL technologies in replacement for MySQL. Of course I'm good in HTML5 and CSS3. I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta.

I'm always open for new opportunities, so if you need any assistance, please just contact me. I can work in any timezone required, and I can travel for personal meetings to any country. As well I'm also in touch with amazing group of developers, who can help me with your project, in case you need any boost in development.

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