Eric Espejo

Eric Espejo

Administrative Job, Microsoft Apps, Photo and Video Editing , Branding, Chatbot, SMM, Photography
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Hourly ($/hour)
48 years old
Badoc, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
18 years
Curriculum Vitae ERIC T. ESPEJO Photographer / Web Developer / Admin Assistant WORK EXPERIENCE CONTACT ME AT BRGY. 13B BATO, BADOC ILOCOS NORTE, PHILIPPINES Email:-Mobile - - Admin Assistant YR 2009 to 2020 Saudi Ground Service Jeddah Saudi Arabia Photographer (Part Time) YR 2014 to 2021 Web Developer YR 2009 to 2021 Secretary / Data Encoder YR 2000 to 2007 Khalda Group Riyadh Saudi Arabia EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.S. Computer Science Mariano Marcos State University YR 1995 to 1999 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Photo and Video Editing Photography Web Design Stock Market Trading SOFTWARE SKILLS MS Office Google Tools Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Premier Adobe Lightroom Canva Wordpress
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