Ephraim Nyamu

Ephraim Nyamu

I do programming
Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
33 years old
thika, Thika, Kenya
1 year
Curriculum vitae PERSONNAL INFORMATION: Name: EPHRAIM NYAMU KING’AU Address: 164, Mugunda. Cellphone:-. Email:-Date of Birth: 30th Sep 1991. Citizenship: Kenyan. Gender: Male. Marital status: Single. EDUCATION: 2012 may-Dec.2015-Maasai Mara University, BSC. Candidate for Bachelor in computer science Major academics course highlights :Programming, Data security, Database management, Networking, Software management, Digital Electronics, Web design. 2014 Jan-Feb: Kenya power training school. Acquired knowledge about power lines, digit mapping, circuits and transformers, and how to use handheld computer for data collection of power lines--Karima boys high, ware high. Attained Secondary certificate with mean grade of B (plain)--Karameno primary school. Attained primary education certificate with total marks of 361. Employment history: 2015 February-July-KPLC (under Geoems Technologies contractors). Position: Geospatial technician. Duties: Data collection using handheld computer. Report of collected data. Accounting for the data collected. 2013 Jan-July-Ekas technologies. Position: Technician. Duties: Etching PCB boards. Drilling holes on the circuit board for components’ insertion. Soldering components on circuit board. Testing the gadget for approval to pack. Collecting parcels and mails. Packing final product. 2014 Jan –September -Ekas technologies (Centro vs. Thika branch). Position: Manager, workshop department. Duties: Ensure technicians carry out their duties appropriately. Ensure standards of the end products are met. Enhance quality of the final product through research with my team. Enhance and improve customers handling. Reports workshop proceedings. Handle workshop issues. Account on anything (arising issues) in the workshop. 2011 jan-2012 may, Judea Academy. Position: Teacher. Duties: Teaching(Math’s ,Sciences ,English) , counseling students ,and Games couching(Soccer ,hand ball, volley ball). SKILLS: Average in C++ and C programming languages Average in Php programming languages Good in Html i.e. web design Networking (LAN). Fair in Java programming languages. Good in Computer packages i.e. MS word, Excel, PowerPoint, publisher and access. HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Soccer Adventure Watching Reading REFEREES: DR Wambugu .N ­_Director Ekas technologies Cellphone:- Gitonga Kieru _chairman road safety association of Kenya. Cellphone:- Madam Miriam _Director geoems technologies. Cellphone:- Dr. S.I.D Khamadi _ Head of department (HOD) in information and computing science Maasai Mara University. Contact: -/-
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