Emilija Riaukaite

Emilija Riaukaite

Turning ideas into compelling stories
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
31 years old
Karlsruhe, Baden Württemberg, Germany
7 years

Driven by a strong passion for languages and creative verbal expression, I am constantly looking for exciting projects to work on. Throughout my career so far, having such an open mindset has led me to grow in many different directions. I started out as a journalist and creative writer, but over time I also developed a strong interest in online marketing, copywriting, and social media. I truly believe that every product, just like every person, has a story. We are all connected by stories; they let us see the world through others' eyes and understand things that may not make sense from our own perspective. This understanding is behind everything I do; it truly is a matter of finding that point of connection, that one detail that is of higher relevance compared to others, and making it really stand out.

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