Ella Buya

Ella Buya

Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
Santa Rosa Laguna, Region 4 A, Philippines
0 years

Hey, I'm Ella!

I work as a Elementary tutor when I was 16 years old in 2020 and as a service crew in 2021. I'm a newbie in this industry and i want to help business owners with their product and specially to gain more skill and learn new things.

In 2016 to 2019, I'm a science news writer, editorial writer, feature writer and straight news writer in our school newspaper. So, I have an ability to write that kind of writing.

Before entering this industry I've been training to virtual assistant by Mr. Chad Godoy about learning basic skills of a virtual assistant such as using app like WIX, Canva, Convert kit and etc. Also I want to know more and improve my skills, I'm willing to train because I believe that "Willingness opens the door for opportunity, achievement and direction".

Here are some of task that I did for practicing virtual assistant:

-Email Management (Problem Solving, labeling, Filtering, Template Creation/ Canned messages)

-Calendar Management ( phone calls, scheduling meeting/ Booking appointment)

-Database building/ Data Entry (Lead generation)

-Basic Excel Function (setting filters, basic math function)

-Project Management (using Trello)

-Social Media Management (Document, Word press, YouTube, Email, Pinterest, Facebook)

-Pinterest Marketing Basics ( Create Pins, Create Boards, SEO's Description, Schedule Pins and Content Strategy

-Basic Email Automation/ Sequence

-Creating Funnels, etc.

As a newbie, I have only basic skills but I'm willing to have experience to improve more.

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