Elisabeth J Buettner

Elisabeth J Buettner

Financial and data analysis and accounting.
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Hourly ($/hour)
42 years old
Coralville, IA, United States
7 years
ELISABETH BUETTNER 2142 13th St. ● Coralville, IA 52241 ● - ●- RELATED EXPERIENCE The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA      7/2016 – CurrentFinancial Analyst, Department of Physical Therapy Sole budget officer responsible for a $5 million department budget. Solely responsible for annual operating budget process using StrataJazz. Coordinate with Department Executive Officer and Principle Researchers about current year budget and use predictive analytics to be sure all budgets are accurate for future years. Assist Department Executive Officer with confidential annual salary setting. Calculate the rate of returns for increase in revenue based on projections of admissions and develop forecasts and annual targets. Perform cost analysis to examine where efficient savings in revenue can take place. Compile, analyze, and maintain various data points related to departmental metrics including generating reports for faculty members using Excel. In charge of capital assets submission to Strata and purchasing including special orders for department. Monthly account reconciliation and projections using Excel dashboards. Various other tasks: invoicing VA using Tungsten, Mercy rent contract, staff allotment files, foundation transfer forms, COS as needed. 8/2014 – 7/2016Financial Analyst / Support Services Specialist, Heart and Vascular Center HVC monthly financials report, flex budget and labor analyses. Explain monthly activity and keep expenses in line according to the budget. Assist with annual operating budget process using StrataJazz. Coordinate with multiple departments about current year budget and use predictive analytics to be sure all budgets are accurate for future years. In charge of capital assets submission to Strata and purchasing and special orders for HVC departments. Built and maintain equipment and maintenance file for maintenance contracts to analyze current year to date expenses to predict future costs and needs. Monthly account reconciliation. Insurance Prior Authorizations for CT and Vascular departments. Various other tasks: invoicing VA using Tungsten, Mercy rent contract, staff allotment files, foundation transfer forms, COS as needed.      5/2013 – 8/2014Finance Assistant, CLAS Dean’s Office Update Subcertification and Foundation Access databases. Assist with FTE database and CIC Salary Survey process, account reconciliation, Business Briefs. Manage new employee security setup: secondary security, e-deposit, pcard and protrav, foundation access, and various specific accesses. Maintain CLAS Finance website using Drupal. Pull various reports from MAUI to assist Budget Officer, Assistant Director, and Accounting Manager. Business Process Series – completed June 2014. 1/2009 – 5/2013Research Support Coordinator, Internal Medicine CV Center Grants Administration Office Manage subawards including; start-up, coordinating yearly renewals, correspondence, invoicing and billing, closeout and general questions for over 30 contracts using E-Pro, UIRIS and AP-PO. Attend seminars to enhance knowledge of grant and subaward proceedures. Manage, coordinate and make tuition payments in MAUI each term for over 50 graduate students. Prepare monthly accounting reports for the department using HRIS, AP-PO, Oracle and Excel. Perform monthly PI salary allocations for clinical trials accounts using HRIS, PayCV, and GL Financial Systems Tools. Prepare and send invoices for clinical trial expenses. Manage E-Deposits, travel expenses using ProTrav Manage Property Management requests using PMO. Manager of the Internal Medicine Oracle grants database with over 75000 entries and prepare routing forms using UIRIS. Assist with workflow transaction in the Preq system. Managed the Internal Medicine Space Survey for fiscal year 2012. Balanced monthly closing accounts using the SA3, GLDSS, and GL Journal Entry. Assist in hiring process, train, schedule and supervise students. 5/2007 – 1/2009Research Assistant, Clinical Research Core In charge of reconciling the procurement card and ordering supplies. In charge of populating an Access database with patient data and performing queries. Enrolled patients in various studies which included; obtaining informed consent, completing interviews and case report forms, reviewing medical charts, etc. Coordinated collection and processing of biospecimens and database records for multiple studies. Assisted with IRB modifications and continuing reviews and was made a delegate for one study. Primary coordinator on three studies, two cardiac ultrasound projects and a counseling study. Interviewed patients who had modifiable cardiovascular risk factors to assist CHAMPS with health counseling and performed follow up phone interviews. 5/2006 – 5/2007Project Assistant, Internal Medicine CV Center Grants Administration Office Served as assistant to and worked under the direct supervision of Lori Bassler. Managed Internal Medicine file organization and handling of monthly account statements for more than 600 grants in the eleven sub-departments. Created and managed files for all new Internal Medicine grants as necessary. Assisted with grant preparation. Assembled grant applications, reviewed grants prior to submission and made recommendations for missing material, verified information and made appropriate adjustments so grants could be submitted according to deadlines. Assisted in the submission process of completed grants including preparing routing forms, obtaining signatures from various department executives, and delivering grants to Sponsored Programs for final approval. Worked with University of Iowa Research Information System (UIRIS). Sent grant progress reports and applications to department heads for review. Attended grant application seminars to enhance knowledge of application procedures. In charge of collecting data for and managing Oracle databases of research space usage reports, and grant information for Internal Medicine faculty and staff; which included physically measuring square footage and partitioning large group office spaces into smaller subsections to report for corresponding sub-departments. Performed monthly PI salary percentage calculations for clinical trials accounts. Maintained the Access and Excel databases for faculty and staff monthly salary reporting. Maintained supervisor book for new employees and salary updates as necessary. Summers 2001, 2002Research Assistant, Radiation Oncology Department Worked under the indirect supervision of Professor Larry Oberley. Conducted independent research project with cancer cells.   Performed cell culture that required working under sterile conditions.   Prepared cells for various experiments by others in the lab. Assayed hydrogen peroxide production by cancer cells. Collected data from experiments and presented research findings using Power Point, Excel, and Word. Purchased and stocked supplies for cell culture including Petri dishes, pipetting supplies, etc. Updated and maintained Access and Oracle databases for general lab information. EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Luther College, May 2005 COMPUTER PROFICIENCY Word, Excel, Access, Oracle, HRIS, UIRIS, MAUI, E-Pro, PCard, IPR, Inform, EPIC
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