Edwin Rios

Edwin Rios

Industrial Engineer
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Hourly ($/hour)
31 years old
Bogota, Bogota, Colombia
2 years
.. .. .. .. .. Edwin Ríos Pinzón PERSONAL DATA Citizenship card C.C.: Phone: Mobile phone: E-mail: - Bogotá- -- PROFILE Industrial Engineer graduated of Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito with experience in financial management, production, maintenance and marketing. • Knowledge in financial simulations, financial reporting, sales profitability analysis, product costing, data extraction from SAP modules FI CO PS. • Technical knowledge in high volume databases management, Excel macros, Visual Basic programing, SQL language and Autocad. STUDIES ............................    College: Industrial Engineer Degree of Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito Bogotá D.C. -) High School: High School degree of Liceo Julio Cesar García Bogotá D.C. -) Others studies: English course Universidad la Gran Colombia – Bogotá D.C. Excel course Universidad la Gran Colombia – Bogotá D.C. Animation Adobe flash – SENA EXPERIENCE  Financial Analist at Compañía General de Aceros Start: May 9, 2016 Functions: o o o o o o Cost production analysis. Crossing information to reconcile FI with PP modules. Macros developing to obtain data from SAP. Projects analysis by PS module in SAP. Generate profitability report for the board of directors. Generate P&L by lines, branch offices, production centers and business units. Achievements: o o o o o o o Optimize information crossing the production orders’ cost. Automate drivers for expense allocation. Create accounting provision model of projects costs. Standardize P&L template for the board of directors. Create new reports for sales management. Automate the projects’ profitability report. Standardize assessment report for production module.  Inventory Cost Analyst at Coldiseño S.A.S Start: Agust 18, 2015 End: May 9, 2016 Functions: o Perform Big Data project about the seasonality of sales in Colombia. o Costing imports of raw materials and commercialized products according to different factors involved. o Create and simplify the imports database. o Updating the raw materials input for each of the different products lines. o Manage production orders in the system of the foreign franchises. o Optimize the use of SQL databases System. o Perform Bank reconciliations. Achievements: o Expedite the billing process by implementing a new methodology for the production in procces in the ERP system. o Create a macro for the imported merchandise costing and the bank reconciliations.  Operations and maintenance intern at Equion Energía Limited. Start: January 8, 2015 End: Agust 12, 2015 Functions: o Integrate production and maintenance data of all machines from the oil production plant located in Floreña o Conduct the continuous improvement projects feasibility analysis. o Directing the weekly meeting of production losses for the areas of maintenance and operations. o Conduct performance reports based on the KPI's of field operation. Achievements: o Develop a macro to represent the failures of the machines according to the database obtained in SAP. o Relate production peaks and falls according to the faults recorded in the engines. o Be a bridge between the areas of maintenance and operations.  Laboratory Tutor of Product Development at Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito. Start: Agust 14, 2013 End: November 27, 2013 Functions: o Manage and evaluate projects carried out by students. o Propose assignments to students. o Teach about technical issues regarding to product design and modeling. Achievements: o Encourage student's talent to create new concepts. o Improve the skill to talk and lead a group. FAMILY REFERENCE Nelson Ríos Pinzón Publicist Phone:- Rosa Myriam Pinzón Casas Professor of Fine Arts Phone:- PERSONAL REFERENCE Javier Alfonso Garcia A. Superintendent of Operations in Floreña Facility Equion Energía Limited Phone:- Alvaro Iván Mahecha Bahamon Cathedra Professor Product Development Laboratory Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito Phone:- _______________________________ EDWIN RÍOS PINZÓN C.C. No- DE BOGOTÁ-
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