Edward Dean Curso

Edward Dean Curso

Reply rate:
Full-time (40 hrs/wk)
37 years old
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
11 years

·        A successful and driven Certified Public Accountant with eleven years of meaningful experience in the Philippines and in the United Arab Emirates in industries like audit firm, oil and gas, telecommunications, hotel and restaurant, and health care.

·        Comprehensive knowledge and practical application of reporting standards such as International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

·        Leadership roles by planning, managing, and undertaking budget preparations and presentation, financial and management reporting, financial statement preparation and external audit compliance. 

·        Managing company cash flows thru scheduling significant disbursements with cash inflows.

·        Taking the initiative to develop staff competencies by conducting basic skills trainings to improve performance efficiency and effectiveness.

·        Citable experience in external audit engagements in one of the top performing audit firms in the Philippines.

·        Knowledgeable in Oracle, SAP, Navision, Whitevision, and MS Office applications.

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