Dipankar Das

Dipankar Das

Mathematics Teacher
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Hourly ($/hour)
Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
12 years
DIPANKAR DAS Career Objective: To succeed in an environment of growth and excellence and earn a job which provides me job satisfaction and self-development and help me achieve personal as well as organizational goals. Professional Experience Contact Information MRU student house Room No: 717 Didlaukio g. 57, 08302 Vilnius, Lithuania. --m INTERNATIONAL HOPE SCHOOL, BANGLADESH Senior Teacher (Mathematics Department) From 02 May 2023 to 31 October 2023. CIDER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL: Senior Teacher (Mathematics Department) From 02 August 2018 to till date. 53/A, Nasirabad I/A, Baizid, Chittagong, Bangladesh. PRESIDENCY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL: Senior Teacher (Mathematics Department) From 10 April 2013 to 01 August 2018. 52/A, Panchlaish R/A, Panchlaish, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Educational Qualification • Master Public Relation Management (2023 Continue) Public Relation Management Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius, Lithuania. • Master of Science (2009) Mathematics Second Class (Average 76%) Under National University. Govt. Chittagong College, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Responsibilities: ü Developed new curriculum that combined elements of Algebra and Arithmetic. ü Kept student records and analyzed them biweekly in order to address problematic areas and ensure student progress. ü Maintained good relationship with students and fostered open communication in diverse classrooms. ü Implemented various teaching techniques and differentiated instruction ü Organized meetings with parents and fellow educators to discuss current classroom issues. ü Take the lead to complete the monthly, Quarterly and the yearly syllabus. ü Ensure all syllabus completion deadlines are met. • Bachelor of Science (2007) Mathematics Second Class (Average 74%) National University Govt. Chittagong College Chittagong, Bangladesh. ----------------------------------• Higher Secondary Certificate (2003) Science GPA 3.20 (out of 5.00) BIT Campus School & College Chittagong, Bangladesh. ----------------------------------• Secondary School Certificate (2001) Business Studies GPA 3.75 (out of 5.00) Mahata Patnikota Model High School, Anowara Chittagong. Skills: ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Creative lesson planning. Smart board interactive displays Patience and understanding Enthusiasm and friendliness Communication skills Critical thinking Behavioral management Time management Volunteer Experience: ü Run weekly career counseling session for the students of O and A level ü Helped in organization and scoring of Intra School Mathematics Olympiad each session IT Skills MS word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook, Windows Operating. Internet Browsing and E-mailing. About me • • • • An “Out of the Box” thinker who thrives on creating solutions. Excellent interpersonal skills to create loyalty, value and trust. The ability to work hard, maintain focus on goals and meet targets whilst always having the future in mind. Multi-tasker with a broad range of skills a desire to learn, a creative mind and superb communication skills. Language Proficiency • Excellent Communication Skill in English and Bengali. Personal Details Father’s Name Mother’s Name Date of birth Permanent Address Nationality Marital Status Gender Religion Blood Group National ID No : Ashis Das : Prity Das : 31st December, 1985 : Vill: Tishari, PO: Patnikota-4377,P.S: Anowra Dist: Chittagong. : Bangladeshi : Married : Male : Hindu : O+ :- Interest & Hobbies • • • • Reading books & journals Bike Riding Travelling Internet Browsing Declaration "I certify that all information stated in this CV is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.” Dipankar Das References 1. Mr. Pranesh Ranjan Das Section Coordinator CIDER International School 53/A, Nasirabad I/A, Baizid, Chittagong -4000, Bangladesh Cell: -. Md. Toufik Hossain Head of Senior School and Head of the Department of Mathematics Presidency International School 52/A, Panchlaish I/A, Panchlaish Chittagong -4000, Bangladesh Cell: -
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