Diksha Gupta

Diksha Gupta

I can writes blogs of any length as well as short poems
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31 years old
Pune , Maharashtra , India
1 year
Marketing Name: Diksha Gupta Email Address:-Phone Number:- Educational Qualifications: Education Year of Passing University /Board Major Subjects Percentage/SGPA MBA 2018 SavitriBai Phule, Pune University Marketing 64.36% Graduation B.Com 2014 University of Delhi commerce 63.24 12th 2011 I.S.C. Commerce 81.17 10th 2009 I.S.C.E. science 79.14 Professional Details: Organization Name Designation Description of job Duration Year Best IT Quest Associate Consultancy services 8 months 1 Aug 2014 – 31 March 2015 Industry Interface/Internships: Organization Name Title of Project Period Key Learning Outcomes Bonorganik Digital marketing and content writing 1 month AdWords fundamental, content building up for social media. Facebook ads manager Blogmint Influencer and Content marketing 2 months Blog writing. Influencers and PR management, campaign strategy building, Case study and analysis of campaigns, Social media page handling, Studio Radical Social Media Marketing and content writing 45 days Using various tool of SMM for increasing Radical SEO ranking. Writing blogs and PR release Certifications: Certification of Spanish and German Language. Certificate in AdWords fundamental by Google. Certification of Dale Carnegie (pursuing) Key Skills: Communication skills Team Player Good thinker and Strategy maker Motivator Projects: Pursuing research paper on effect of RERA Summer Internship project on “Study on lead generation through influencer marketing” Report on Gail and Emami Pvt. Ltd. Report on Automobile sector Research report for Studio Radical fashion brand Technical Skills: Java and SPSS Content writing Digital marketing Research paper and report making Co-Curricular Activities: Member of collage promotion and sponsorship team. Content writing participation certificate in college event “BRAND PODCAST”. Social Media Department head at college SAFE club (Social Responsibility club) Runs blog page https://marketingmanthanblog.wordpress.com Runs Facebook page “Marketer’s Choice” Managing MIT, School of management Facebook Page. Achievements Consistent scholar badge holder in school School topper in economics (I.S.C. , 12th standard) All India runner up at Narsee Monjee Blogging competition All India winner in Tag War at IIT Kanpur Winner at Mad Ads competition at MIT, School Of Management Extra-Curricular/Sports/Cultural Activities and Interests: Completion LANDMARK forum 1st level (professional personality development course) Worked in various NGOs (CRY and Orphanage) Given private tuition Participated various competition of content writing and online quizzes, case study, Debate and etc. Writing short poems PERSONAL DETAILS Date of birth: 30/APRIL/1993 Father’s name: Ishwar Kumar Gupta Mother’s name: Mamta Gupta Category: General Gender: Female Nationality: Indian Home town: Dehra Dun Mobility: Own country as well as overseas I declare that above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge Place: DEHRA DUN Date: 30/Oct/2017
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