Devon Delfino

Devon Delfino

Writer for Hire (B2B and B2C) | Covering money, marketing, and work
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
31 years old
Portland, Oregon, United States
8 years

Hi. I’m Devon (pronounced Devin), a writer specializing in B2C and B2B content, with a background in journalism. I help startups and SaaS companies execute their content plans, meet company goals, and authentically connect with their audiences.

You may have seen my work with the following companies: LendingTree, Grammarly,, OpenText, Farther Finance, Sound Dollar, and Writer. I also have bylines in traditional news outlets like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Teen Vogue, Business Insider, Forbes, MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today. Many of these represent long-running editorial relationships (for example, I wrote LendingTree's weekly financial news series for about two years), though I'm not opposed to one-off assignments if it's the right fit.

For the most part, my work consists of producing articles, blog posts, ebooks, long-form guides, ghostwriting, and thought leadership content.

Here are my areas of expertise:

  • Finance/insurance

  • Branding and marketing

  • Productivity and work

  • Writing and communication

(Want to see examples of my work organized by topic? Check out my portfolio:

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