Deepali Pawar

Deepali Pawar

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Hourly ($/hour)
46 years old
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
6 years
“Shivkrupa”, M.D.Keni Marg, Bhandup (East), Mumbai— 400 042 Telephone: - Deepali Milind Pawar Email:- OBJECTIVE To put my best foot forward and strive to attain perfection in whatever I do. WORK EXPERIENCE L’Oreal India Pvt Ltd Designation: Personnel Officer Period : December 1999 to July 2005 JOB RESPONSIBILITIES 1Manage wages benefits and safety program for employees, provided supervisory training on safety. 2ISO Documentation Control 3Maintaining qualification index of present employee. 4Ascertaining & organizing staff need for recruitment purpose through placement, follow-up & inquiry. 5Checking on adequacy of physical working condition & arranging for provision of adequate health service. 6Interpreting leave Policy. 7Analyzing & coordinating training program, selecting content & sourcing training vendors. 8Maintaining all files of records of employee’s turnover, movements & work histories. 9 Manage relationship with professional Employer, handling all benefits, worker’s compensation.etc EDUCATIONAL FACTFILE Bachelor of Commerce COMPUTER PROFICIENCY Operating systems- MS-Dos, Windows 10 Application Software- MS-office (MS-word, MS-Excel) PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth :31st Jan 1979 Sex / Marital Status :Female / Married Language Skill:English, Hindi and Marathi Special Interests : Music & Travelling
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