Danielle Dewar

Danielle Dewar

Writing, editing, client management, video editing, graphic design, website design.
Brand Dew Media
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
39 years old
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
15 years
DANIELLE DEWAR Freelance writer, editor and marketer PERSONAL PROFILE EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Hardworking marketing specialist with nearly 15 years of experience in writing, editing, graphic design, website design, social media, video production and more. Digital Content Strategist CONTACT DETAILS Mobile:--www.branddewmedia.com SKILLS AND ABILITIES Good communication skills Reliable and professional Organized Good time management skills Team player Dedicated Fast learner Motivated Hard worker Friendly and approachable Writer Editor Graphic designer Website designer Video editor Canada Post | Aug 2017 - Present Member of the UX team. Writer, editor and researcher for various Canada Post campaigns. Co-founder Brand Dew Media | Feb 2017- present I run a small marketing agency. We support a wide variety of small, medium and large businesses across many industries with writing, editing, graphic design, online advertising, website design and video production. Head of Communications WhalePower Corporation | Jan 2009 - present I have managed the communications department for this notable tecnology company since 2009. Responsibilities include managing the website, social media, design and PR for the business. Vice President Neighbourhood Buzz | Nov 2013- Dec 2018 I ran the day to day operations and did all the design and editing for this small marketing agency until I acquired the company in 2019 and absorbed it into my small business. We supported major businesses in the property management industry with writing, editing, graphic design and online advertising. ACADEMIC PROFILE University of Toronto Bachelor of Arts in English and Cinema Studies - Graduate with Distinction - Class of 2007 Communications and Media Manager Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) | May 2016- Feb 2017 I ran the communications and media department for this national non profit organization. This included PR, website management, social media management, writing, editing, design and event support.
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