Date Someone Who Makes You Feel Like..."
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Date Someone Who Makes You Feel Like You’re The Best Version Of Yourself
Christopher Jan Benitez
Freelance Writer
Dating is like a litmus test for love. This feel-out process of two people sharing dinner, watching a movie, or simply
spending time together is critical to see if both are compatible to go all in. If their dates don’t pan out, then they move
on the next person to go out with until they find someone whom they feel they can spend their lives with.
Most importantly, dating is all about yourself.
You have your quirks and flaws, just as much as others do. Therefore, dating is about finding a person who will accept
you wholeheartedly, just as much you can accept his or her strangeness.
Because it is virtually impossible to date a person whom you can’t feel yourself with. You cannot go out with a person
who looks for something in you that you do not have. You cannot force yourself to change just so your date will like
This is not how dating works.
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Therefore, by embracing the fact that you are perfect just the way you are, you need to date a person who makes you