Christine Mae

Christine Mae

I am a web developer
Reply rate:
Hourly ($/hour)
26 years old
Enrique B. Magalona, Region 6, Philippines
0 years

Hello my name is Christine Mae! And I am a web developer that create and design some amazing and unique design

according to my own area of my specialization that can make you believed and loved.

I assure to give some useful information and reliable answers for the decisive questions and assertive problem solving . I am also a very purposeful person that I remain focused on one task at a time, I finish it to completion before moving on to the next task.I am also an opinionated person that i can express my ideas and opinions positively with confidence to my customers and clients wihtout hurting or offend them. Being A goal-oriented person is also my motivation to make my works turns into a success even though I am a fresh graduate .

I also become a scholar of the Department of Information Communication Technology Region 6 (DICT). During our training I learned a lot of things that It actually unfamiliar to me. I already know how to use the toggl tracker and I also know how to create or make designs like logo by using canva application. I also have an extensive knowledge of how to use HTML. Communication and problem solving skills, I think I would be an excellent candidate for the Web developer role.

I have always been passionate about making and creating about web development, and I also loved doing some wonderful designs for website or logo that’s why i really pursue my bachelors degree which is Bachelor of Science in Information System.As a web developer,my analytical skills is always my priority to create a variety of successful websites.

Hire me please and I will help you and your business develop and grow!

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