Chibuzo Anosike

Chibuzo Anosike

I transcribe audio/video files , and proofread written documents efficiently.
Reply rate:
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
31 years old
Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
4 years
Chibuzo Anosike Studio Technical Operator No 14 Owena str Parkview Estate, Ikoyi Lagos |- |- Education Skills B.Sc Botany: Horticulture Sep. 2012 - Dec. 2016 University of Lagos Tools and Technology Microsoft office; Word, Power point, Excel. ATEM switcher, Insta playout. Project Research on the effects of heavy metals on Bryophytes. Diploma Pre-pharmacy studies Sep. 2011 - Jul. 2012 University of Lagos Industry knowledge Small business, Vision mixing, Camera operation, Set design, Floor management, Assistant director. Work experience Studio Technical Operator Oct. 2018 News Central TV Interpersonal skills Made a switch from Productions as an intern to Technical as a trainee and became the very best Very good communication, Problem solving, Leadership, Team building, Time management, Fast learner. NYSC Lingua Franca Jun. 2017 - Apr. 2018 Queens' School, Apata Ibadan. ENGLISH Taught five classes Agricultural Science and improved the learning curve. Front Desk Representative Nov. 2016 - May. 2017 CRCC Real Estate branch, Lagos. Local Languages IGBO Doubled as an assistant to the managing Director Student Intern Dec. 2014 - Mar. 2015 NAFDAC YORUBA Foreign Languages Lab assistant in Microbiology, Water, Cosmetics and Pharmacognosy Labs MANDARIN Custom dated section FRENCH Certification 2016 Microsoft Microsoft Office... Volunteering Dec. 2018 - To date Executives Helping Initiative Sustainable Development goals, Humanitarian works, Team spirit.... Created with
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