Cecilia Agatha Agwaro

Cecilia Agatha Agwaro

Seo writing, copy writing, content writing, facebook and google ads.
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Hourly ($/hour)
29 years old
Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
2 years
CECILIA AGWARO RDDES11 0564-N55055 abiAo,iK abiAo,iK 55055K Menyb SIRLg - gLaM1 @oAspAekk PoPeyoK ginPesLn Prolem Community Development OfcreA H+OaS 276-357TT-36T aRYLOaRgLY Menybn h R Community sevelopment pAofekkionbl @itx b kolis ,brPwAouns in CommunirbtionkK ruktomeA keAvire bns pu,lir Aelbtionkd L pokkekk bktute lebseAkxipK rommunirbtionK inteApeAkonbl bns multitbkPinw kPillkd L bm bn e9rellent tebm plbyeA @xo xbk bn inteAekt in @oAPinw in pAowAbmk txbt kuppoAt xumbnitbAibn @oAPK sevelopmentkK enviAonmentK rxilsAenK bns @omend L blko love mentoAinw younw peopled h EpyeonpmtH isdHorn aov 750— B HAekent CuktomeA 1eAvire S9erutive aRLEOGL :ESSagL:+Y HgRaSY @oAPk @itx :Aeenliwxt Hlbnet toj h RppAove oA Aeqert pAokpertkd Rnk@eA ’uektionk b,out pAosurtk oA txe rompbnyd RkP ’uektionk to unseAktbns ruktomeA Ae’uiAementk bns rloke kblek DiAert pAokpertk to txe cels kblek tebm @xen neeses SnteA bns upsbte ruktomeA infoAmbtion in txe sbtb,bke YbPe bns pAorekk oAseAk in bn brruAbte mbnneA +bnsle wAievbnrek to pAekeAve txe rompbny“k Aeputbtion :o txe ”e9tAb mileJ to meet kblek ’uotb bns fbrilitbte futuAe kblek Meep AeroAsk of rbllk bns kblek bns note ukeful infoAmbtiond 8ul 750Z B Der 750— CuktomeA CbAe EepAekentbtive +OEL•Oa COaYRCY CSaYSE1 Rk pioneeAk in txe GHO insuktAy in txe Aewion it pAovisek multirxbnnel rontbrt renteA kolutionk foA vbAiouk rompbniek inrlusinw YelPom Menyb bns Iultirxoire bmonw otxeAkd CuktomeA keAvire rbll rentAe bwent unseA YelPom Menyb Dutiek ' h+bnslinw bns Aekolvinw ,otx in,ouns bns out,ouns rbllk on CuktomeA Sn’uiAiekd ' hIbintbininw ruktomeA AeroAsk ,y upsbtinw brrount infoAmbtion on txe CEId ' hEekolvek pAosurt oA keAvire pAo,lemk ,y rlbAifyinw txe ruktomeA;k romplbint/ seteAmininw txe rbuke of txe pAo,lemK kelertinw bns e9plbininw txe ,ekt kolution to kolve txe pAo,lemK e9pesitinw roAAertion oA bsquktmentK follo@inw up to enkuAe Aekolutiond ' hYo bttens to bnsFoA Aekolve bns pAovise fees,brP on to ruktomeA Ae’uektk in line @itx cAkt rontbrt Aekolution ' hYo pAoNbrtively enwbwe @itx ruktomeAk to isentify AikPkK pAo,lemk bns potentibl oppoAtunitiekd ' hYo monitoA bns tAbrP ruktomeA Ae’uektk ,y enkuAinw txbt brruAbte ruktomeA AeroAsk bAe We, 7504 B Ruw 7504 Wiels OfcreA (OISa WL:+YLa: RLD1 La MSa R )(OWRM& 1pericr Dutiek bns Eekponki,ilitiekj HbAtiripbte in ktAenwtxeninw e9iktinw IQS kyktemk in txe pAoqertK pAowAbm bns (OWRM abiAo,i Ofcred Rkkikt in txe rooAsinbtion of implementbtion of monitoAinw bns evblubtion brtivitiek in txe pAoqertd SnkuAe bppAopAibte sbtb rollertion toolk bns kyktemk bAe in plbre bns rollert Ae’uiAes sbtb foA peAfoAmbnreK monitoAinw bns evblubtiond YbPe lebs Aole in sbtb rbptuAinwK AepoAtinw bns zRFzC ukinw bppAoves monitoAinw toolk to tAbrP pAoqert insirbtoAkd HAovise terxnirbl input in txe Aevie@ of AepoAtk bns pbAtiripbte in cels bkkekkmentkd YbPe lebs in oAwbniUinw bns fbrilitbtinw ’ubAteAlyK kemiNbnnubl bns bnnubl pAoqert Aevie@ meetinwk @itx pAowAbm ktbff bns pbAtneAk bns wivinw fees,brP on IQS brtivitiekd 1uppoAt pAoqert implementbtion tebm to pAepbAe pAekentbtionkK sorument bns sikkeminbte lekkonk lebAnt bns ,ekt pAbrtirekd HAovise kuppoAt kupeAvikion in rollb,oAbtion @itx txe C+S(k to txe C+(k bns volunteeAkd YAbin bns offeA kuppoAt kupeAvikion to Wiels ofcreAkd SnkuAe Continuouk ’ublity impAovement )CzL& in txe rommunity level inteAventionkd HbAtiripbte in ronrept note bns pAopokbl sevelopment foA funs Abikinwd (Aite terxnirblFpeAfoAmbnre AepoAtk bns enkuAe peAfoAmbnre tbAwetk bAe metd EucaSHsot Ruw 750T B Der 7503 MbAbtinb VniveAikty MRERYLaRK MSa R 1erons rlbkk xonoAk VppeA Divikion GbrxeloA of RAtk in Community Development 8bn 755— B Ruw 7507 MeAeAi :iAlk +iwx 1rxool ML1LLK MSa R ZN-Nh G plbin kxseed Diwitbl LlluktAbtion Diwitbl IbAPetinw 1uAvey rAebtion bns bnblykik R,le to mbnbwe bns implement 1oribl Iesib rbmpbiwnk :oowle Rnblytirk Copy @Aitinw ruktomeA rbAe keAvirek rommunity voluntbAy keAvirek E-HrSvacrrsaceSr SaHsbsHsmd HAekent 1e@inw S9tAb ruAAirulbA ioggsmd olunteeAinw Glowwinw YAbvelinw HxotowAbpxy Ssitinw IentoAinw Cocrdmd Ruw 750— B Ruw 750— CuktomeA 1eAvire +oAiUon Contbrt renteAk LStfcSfmd Snwlikx Mik@bxili 8bn 7575 B HAekent Yxe Ho@eA Of 1elf Dikripline )CuAAent GooP& Rm mrmtamd CxbAity aybwutxii Dliwxt kolbA rxbAitydnybwutxii.sliwxtdrom )76-&3 75 T36 -57 1imon IbPoPxb +oAiUon rontbrt renteAk kimonmbroxb.wmbildrom )76-&3 0Z 570 —36 GebtAire Onybnwo (omen cwxtinw Risk Ln Menyb ,ebtyonybnwo.wmbildrom )76-&3 0- 50— TT5
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