Brittany Smith

Brittany Smith

High quality web content, blog posts and articles.
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38 years old
Wesson, Mississippi , United States
4 years
8098 Sylvarena Rd. Wesson, MS 39191 - or -- BRITTANY SMITH SKILLS Article writing, article rewriting, web content creation, digital marketing, copywriting, blogging, research, feature writing, FAQs, blog posts, Excellent grasp of English grammar and spelling, health and well content, lifestyle content, pet care and training articles, product descriptions EXPERIENCE Freelance Writing, Wesson, MS— Writer June 2013 - PRESENT Responsible for creating entertaining and compelling online content for business to connect with current customers and also reach out to potential customers. Performing in-depth research on topics using only verifiable and trusted sources. Meticulously proofreading and editing projects before they are submitted to the client for review Transtar EMS, Silsbee, TX— EMT MAY 2010 - JUNE 2013 Transportation of patients to and from medical facilities while monitoring patients condition Patient assessment, obtaining vital signs, transferring patient care to qualified medical personnel Cleaning and sanitation of ambulance and medical equipment, restocking of medical supplies Redd’s EMS, Beaumont, TX— EMT DECEMBER 2009 - DECEMBER 2012 Transportation of patients to and from medical facilities while monitoring patients condition Patient assessment, obtaining vital signs, transferring patient care to qualified medical personnel Cleaning and sanitation of ambulance and medical equipment, restocking of medical supplies EDUCATION AMEDD Center and School, Ft Sam Houston, TX- Healthcare Specialist Copiah-Lincoln Community College, Wesson, MS— GED FEBRUARY 2002 - NOVEMBER 2002 Received highest test scores of class AWARDS Recognized at graduation ceremony for being the youngest participant in the class to take the GED and also the participant that received the highest scores. Earned US Army sharpshooter level marksmanship badge Received Army Service Ribbon Awarded the National Defense Medal
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